Bibliography and Citations

Found 12292 results
Journal Article
Edmunds, Jr. GF.  1957.  On the life history of Parameletus columbiae McDunnough (Ephemeroptera).  Proceedings of the Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters.  34:25-26.
Markus H.C.  1934.  Life history of the blackhead minnow, PIMEPHALES PROMELAS.  Copeia.  1934:116-122.
Mutch R.A, Pritchard G..  1984.  The life history of Zapada columbiana (Plecoptera: Nemouridae) in a Rocky Mountain stream.  Canadian Journal of Zoology.  62(7):1273-1281.
Caicco S.L.  1990.  Life history, population dynamics and conservation status of Calochortus nitidus (Liliaceae).  Northwest Science.  64(2):page108,Abstractno.71.
Meyer S.E, Quinney D.L, Weaver J..  2011.  A life history study of the Snake River Plains endemic Lepidium papilliferum (Brassicaceae).  Western North American Naturalist.  65(1):11-23.
Quinton M..  1984.  The life of a forest hunter: the great gray owl.  National Geographic.  166(1):123-136.
Pimm S.L.  1993.  Life on an intermittent edge.  Trends in Ecology and Evolution.  8(2):45-46.
Turner FB.  1958.  Life-history of the western spotted frog in Yellowstone National Park.  Herpetologica.  14(2):96-100.  Available from
Reed JR, Sincock JL, Hailman JP.  1985.  Lightattraction in endangered procellariiform birds: reduction byshielding upward radiation.  Auk.  102:377-383.
Isikawa S..  1955.  Light-sensitivity against the germination II: interaction of light and darkness on the germination of Epilobium cephalostigma seeds.  Botanical Magazine.  68(804):173-179.
Johnson PTJ, Lunde KB, Zelmer DA, J. Werner K.  2003.  Limb deformities as an emerging parasitic disease in amphibians: evidence from museum specimens and resurvey data.  Conservation Biology.  17(6):1724-1737.  Available from,
McCormick MK, D. Taylor L, Juhaszova K, Burnett, Jr. RK, Whigham DF, O'Neill JP.  2012.  Limitations on orchid recruitment: not a simple picture.  Molecular Ecology.  21(6):1511–1523.
Budy P., Luecke C, Wurtsbaugh WA, Gross H.P, Gubala C..  1995.  Limnology of Sawtooth Valley Lakes with respect to potential growth of juvenile Snake River sockeye salmon.  Northwest Science.  69(2):133-150.
Lötters S, Kielgast J, Bielby J, Schmidtlein S, Bosch J, Veith M, Walker SF, Fisher MC, Rödder D.  2009.  The link between rapid enigmatic amphibian decline and the globally emerging chytrid fungus.  EcoHealth.  6(3):358–372.
Furniss MM, Johnson JB.  1987.  List of Idaho Scolytidae (Coleoptera) and notes of new records.  Great Basin Naturalist.  47(3):375-382.  Available from
Linsdale J.M.  1951.  A list of the birds of Nevada.  Condor.  53:228-249.
Barlow C..  1901.  A list of the land birds of the Placerville-Lake Tahoe state road: central Sierra Nevada Mountains, California.  Condor.  3:151-?.
Anderson L.E, Crum H.A, Buck W.R.  1990.  List of the mosses of North America north of Mexico.  Bryologist.  93(4):448-499.
Jones G.n.  1948.  A list of vascular plants from St. Louis County, Minnesota.  American Midland Naturalist.  40(2):475-492.
National Marine Fisheries Service.  2015.  Listing endangered or threatened species; 90-day finding on a petition to delist the Snake River fall-run chinook salmon evolutionarily significant unit.  Federal Register.  80(77):22468–22472.  Available from
Fernald M.L.  1919.  Lithological factors limiting the ranges of Pinus banksiana and Thuja occidentalis.  Rhodora.  21(243):41-67.
Tucker HM.  1957.  Little spotted bat in Idaho.  Journal of Mammalogy.  38(3):40.
Copeland J.P, Cesar E., Peek J.M, Harris C.E, Long C.D, Hunter D.L.  1995.  A live trap for wolverine and other forest carnivores.  Wildlife Society Bulletin.  23(3):535-538.
Clark L..  1927.  Liverworts of Moscow Mountains and vicinity.  Northwest Science.  1(1):14.
Clark L., Frye T.C.  1928.  Liverworts of the Northwest.  Publications of the Puget Sound Biological Station.  6:28-30.