Bibliography and Citations

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Fiedler pL.  1987.  Life history and population dymanics of rare and common mariposa lilies (Calochortus Pursh: Liliaceae).  Journal of Ecology.  75:977-995.
Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago.  2010.  Mollusca specimen data - Idaho terrestrial specimens.  
Fielding AH, Bell JF.  1997.  A review of methods for the assessment of prediction errors in conservation presence/absence models.  Environmental Conservation.  24(1):38–49.  Available from
Fielding D.J, Brusven MA.  1995.  Grasshopper densities on grazed and ungrazed rangeland under drought conditions in southern Idaho.  Great Basin Naturalist.  55(4):352-358.
Fielding DJ, Brusven M.A.  1990.  Historical analysis of grasshopper (Orthopotera: Acrididae) population responses to climate in southern Idaho, 1950-1980.  Environmental Entomology.  19(6):1786-1791.  Available from
Fielding DJ, Brusven M.A.  1993.  Grasshopper (Orthoptera: Acrididae) community composition and ecological disturbance on southern Idaho rangeland.  Environmental Entomology.  22(1):71-81.  Available from
Fields T.L.  2004.  Bibliography: Brachylagus idahoensis.  
Fields T..  2005.  Surveys for the desert valvata (Valvata utahensis) in the Upper Snake River drainage.  
Fields pF.  1992.  Floras of Idaho's past: geographic and paleobotanic overview of the Middle Miocene Succor Creek flora as an example.  Journal of the Idaho Academy of Science.  28(2):44-56.
Filip G.M, Schwandt J.W, Hagle S.K.  1993.  Estimating decay in 40- to 90-year-old grand fir stands in the Clearwater region of Northern Idaho.  
Filippi E, Luiselli L.  2006.  Changes in community composition, habitats and abundance of snakes over 10+ years in a protected area in Italy: conservation implications.  Herpetological Journal.  16(1):29-36.  Available from
Finch D.M.  1989.  Habitat use and habitat overlap of riparian birds in three elevational zones.  
Finch DM.  2012.  Climate change in grasslands, shrublands, and deserts of the interior American West: a review and needs assessment. General Technical Report RMRS-GTR-285.  Friggens MM, Warwell MV, Chambers JC, Kitchen SG, Meyer SE, Brantley SL, Ford PL, Richardson BA, Shaw NL, Pendleton RL et al., editors. Fort Collins (CO): U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station.    Available from
Finch D.M.  1992.  Threatened, endangered, and vulnerable species of terrestrial vertebrates in the Rocky Mountain Region.  
Finch JM, Samways MJ, Hill TR, Piper SE, Taylor S.  2006.  Application of predictive distribution modelling to invertebrates: Odonata in South Africa.  Biodiversity and Conservation.  15(13):4239–4251.  Available from
Finch D.M.  1991.  Population ecology, habitat requirements, and conservation of neotropical migratory birds.  
Findholt S.L, Trost C..  1982.  First nesting record of the cattle egret in Idaho.  Murrelet.  63:88-89.
Findholt SL.  1984.  Organochlorine residues, eggshell thickness, and reproductive success of snowy egrets nesting in Idaho.  Condor.  86(2):163-169.  Available from
Findholt SL, Trost CH.  1985.  Organochlorine pollutants, eggshell thickness, and reproductive success of black-crowned night-herons in Idaho, 1979.  Colonial Waterbirds.  8(1):32-41.
Findholt S, Trost CH.  1981.  White pelicans nesting in Idaho.  Murrelet.  62(1):19-20.  Available from
Findholt S.L.  1994.  Status and distribution of the Laridae in Wyoming through 1986.  Great Basin Naturalist.  54(4):342-350.
Findley J..  1989.  Rare plant survey forms and distribution maps for Astragalus mulfordiae.  
Findley J..  2007.  Lepidium davisii habitat photos.  
Findley J..  1998.  Grazing mortality study: Astragalus mulfordiae.  
Findley J.S, Traut G.L.  Submitted.  Geographic variation in PIPISTRELLUS HESPERUS.  Journal of Mammalogy.  51:741-765.