Bibliography and Citations

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Fenton M.B.  1983.  Letter to D. Langowsky, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Albuquerque, NM, regarding spotted bat surveys.  
Fenton M.B, Tennant D.C, Wyszecki U..  1983.  A survey of the distribution of Euderma maculatum (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) throughout its known range in the United States and Canada by monitoring its audible echo location calls.  
Fenton M.B, Tennant D.C, Wyszecki J..  1987.  Using echolocation calls to measure the distribution of bats: the case of Euderma maculatum.  Journal of Mammalogy.  68(1):142-144.
M. Fenton B, Barclay RMR.  1980.  Myotis lucifugus.  Mammalian Species.  142:1-8.  Available from
Fenton M.B.  2003.  Science and the conservation of bats: where to next? Wildlife Society Bulletin.  31(1):6-15.
Ferguson D.F.  1985.  Memo to Dr. Stephen Cooper regarding questions arising from the draft forest habitat types of northern Idaho.  
Ferguson D.E.  1991.  Investigations on the grand fir mosaic ecosystem of northern Idaho.  
Ferguson S.H, Elkie P.C.  2004.  Seasonal movement patterns of woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou).  Journal of Zoology.  262(2):125-134.  Available from
Ferguson D..  2002.  Establishment record, Wellner Cliffs Research Natural Area, Priest River Experimental Forest, Idaho Panhandle National Forests, Bonner County, Idaho.  
Ferguson R.B, Boyd R.J.  1988.  Bracken fern inhibition of conifer regeneration in northern Idaho.  
Ferguson D.E.  1991.  Allelopathic potential of western coneflower (Rudbeckia occidentalis).  Canadian Journal of Botany.  69:2806-2808.
Ferguson CJ, Darrach ME, Mayfield MH.  2015.  Phlox solivagus (Polemoniaceae), a new species from the Blue Mountains in southeastern Washington.  Phytoneuron.  2015-25:1–12.  Available from
Ferguson R.B, Medin D.E.  1983.  Long-term changes in an ungrazed bitterbrush plant community in southwest Idaho. INT-152.  
Ferguson D.E, Johnson F.D.  1996.  Classification of grand fir mosaic habitats.  
Ferguson R.B.  1972.  Bitterbrush topping: shrub response and cost factors.  
Ferguson J.  2008.  2008 sage grouse, raptor, breeding bird survey results for Mountain Home Air Force Base facilities.  
Ferguson R.B, Marsden M.A.  1977.  Estimating overwinter bitterbrush utilization from twig diameter-length-weight relations.  Journal of Range Management.  30(3):231-236.
Ferguson RB, Furniss MM, Basile JV.  1963.  Insects destructive to bitterbrush flowers and seeds in southwestern Idaho.  Journal of Economic Entomology.  56(4):459-462.
Ferguson D..  1997.  The abc's of the grand fir mosaic.  
Ferguson R.B.  1974.  Bitterbrush seedling establishment as influenced by soil moisture and soil surface temperature.  Journal of Range Management.  25:47-49.
Ferguson J.  2004.  Lek and raptor survey results for ETI US Air Force [technical memorandum].  
Ferguson R.B.  1982.  Use of Rosaceous shrubs for wildland plantings in the Intermountain west.  
Ferguson DC, Opler PA, Smith MJ, Donahue JP.  2000.  Distribution of Arctiidae of western North America. Part 1, Text, maps, and references. Moths of western North America.  3.  Fort Collins (CO): Colorado State University, C. P. Gillette Arthropod Biodiversity Museum.    Available from
Ferguson C..  2000.  Cypripedium fasciculatum (Orchidaceae) 2000 pollinator report.  
Ferguson J.  2003.  Lek and raptor survey results for ETI US Air Force [and] Sage grouse and raptor survey results 2003 [2 technical memoranda].