Bibliography and Citations

Found 12292 results
Journal Article
Noyes R.D, Rieseberg L.H.  1999.  ITS sequence data support a single origin for North American Astereae (Asteraceae) and reflect deep geographic divisions in Aster S.L.  American Journal of Botany.  86(3):398-412.
Shine R., Elphrick M.J, Harlow P.S, Moore I.T, LeMaster M.P, Mason R.T.  2001.  . J. Elphrick, P. S. Harlow, I. T. Moore, M. P. LeMaster, and R. T. Mason. 2001. Movements, mating, and dispersal of red-sided gartersnakes (THAMNOPHIS SIRTALIS PARIETALIS) from a communal den in Mani.  Copeia.  2001:82-91.
Marks J.S, Doremus J.H, Cannings R.J.  1989.  J. H. Doremus, and R. J. Cannings. 1989. Polygyny in the northern saw-whet owl.  Auk.  106:732-734.
Murphey K.A.  1991.  The Jarbidge rock art site: pictographs in the high desert country of southwestern Idaho.  Idaho Archaeologist.  14(2):17-32.
Kvam T, Overskaug K, Sorensern OJakob.  1984.  Jerven Gulo gulo L. i Norge. Utbredelse og bestand 1978 - 1983.  :1-76.
Ertter B..  1986.  The Juncus triformis complex.  Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden.  Vol. 39:90p.
Native Plant Society of Oregon.  2004.  Kalmiopsis.  Kalmiopsis: Journal of the Native Plant Society of Oregon.  
Goldingay RL, Kelly PA, Williams DF.  1997.  The kangaroo rats of California: endemism and conservation of keystone species.  Pacific Conservation Biology.  3:47-60.  Available from
Utech F.H.  1979.  Karyotype analysis palynology and external seed morphology of Tofieldia tenuifolia (Michx.) Utech (Liliaceae-Tofieldieae).  Annals of Carnegie Museum.  48(10):171-184.
Love R.M.  2001.  Ken Chambers: taxonomic rigor and rare plant protection in Oregon.  Kalmiopsis (Journal of the Native Plant Society of Oregon).  8:10-16.
Groves C.R, Steenhof K..  1987.  Kestrel cabins.  Idaho Wildlife.  7(5):1.
Thomson JW.  1993.  A Key to Xanthoparmelia in North America, Extracted from the World Keys of Hale 1990.  The Bryologist .  96(3):3pp.  Available from
Egoscue H.J.  1964.  The kit fox in southwestern Colorado.  Southwestern Naturalist.  9(1):40.
Benedict E.M, Forbes R.B.  1979.  Kit fox skulls in a southeastern Oregon cave.  Murrelet.  60:25-27.
Phillips A.R.  1994.  The Known Birds of North and Middle America versus the current AOU list.  Auk.  111:770-773.
Leonard WP, Chichester L, Baugh J, Wilke T.  2003.  Kootenai burkei, a new genus and species of slug from northern Idaho, United States (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Arionidae).  Zootaxa.  355:1-16.  Available from
Apperson K..  1992.  The Kootenai River experimental sturgeon hatchery - department and tribe work together.  Idaho Wildlife.  12(1):7.
Paragamian V.L.  2012.  Kootenai River white sturgeon: synthesis of two decades of research.  Endangered Species Research.  17(2):157-167.  Available from
Hanski I.K, Fenske T.J, Niemi G.J.  1996.  Lack of edge effect in nesting success of breeding birds in managed forest landscapes.  Auk.  113:578-585.
Lesica P., Leary R.F, Allendorf F.W, Bilderback D.E.  Submitted.  Lack of genic diversity within and among populations of an endangered plant, Howellia aquatilis.  Conservation Biology.  2(3):275-282.
Laughlin D.C.  2003.  Lack of native propagules in a Pennsylvania, USA, limestone prairie seed bank: futile hopes for a role in ecological research.  Natural Areas Journal.  23(2):158-164.
Snowbank S.A., Krajewski. C..  1995.  Lack of restriction-site variation in mitochondrial-DNA control region of Whooping Cranes (Grus americana).  Auk.  2(4):1045-1049.
Winward A.H, McArthur E.D.  1995.  Lahontan sagebrush (Artemisia arbuscula ssp. longicaulis): a new taxon.  Great Basin Naturalist.  55(2):151-157.
Emlen J.T..  1979.  Land bird densities on Baja California islands.  Auk.  96:152-167.