Bibliography and Citations

Found 12292 results
Journal Article
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Rivers MC, Taylor L, Brummitt NA, Meagher TR, Roberts DL, Lughadha EN.  2011.  How many herbarium specimens are needed to detect threatened species? Biological Conservation.  144:2541-2547.
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Leslie, Jr. DM, Douglas CL.  1980.  Human disturbance at water sources of desert bighorn sheep.  Wildlife Society Bulletin.  8(4):284-290.  Available from
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Critchfield W.B.  1986.  Hybridization and classification of the white pines (Pinus section Strobus).  Taxon.  35(4):647-656.
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Ornduff R..  1967.  Hybridization and regional variation in Pacific Northwestern Impatiens (Balsaminaceae).  Brittonia.  19:122-128.
Hamer T.E, al. et.  1994.  Hybridization between barred and spotted owls.  Auk.  111:487-492.
Allen G.A, Dean M.L, Chambers K.L.  1983.  Hybridization studies in the Aster occidentalis (Asteraceae) polyploid complex of western North America.  Brittonia.  35(4):353-361.
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Reeves H.M, Woessner W.W.  2004.  Hydrologic controls on the survival of water howellia (Howellia aquatilis) and implications of land management.  Journal of Hydrology.  287:1-18.
Markham O.D, Halford D.K, Bihl D.E, Autenrieth R.E.  1980.  I-131 concentrations in air, milk and antelope thyroids in southeastern Idaho.  Health Physics.  38(3):321-326.  Available from,_Milk_and_Antelope.6.aspx
R. Dumroese K, Mousseaux MR, Sturts SHorning, Stephens DA, Holick PA.  2001.  Idaho black swifts: nesting habitat and a spatial analysis of records.  Western Birds.  32(4):218-227.