Bibliography and Citations

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Brown MT, Vivas B.  2005.  Landscape development intensity index.  Environmental Monitoring and Assessment.  101(1-3):289–309.  Available from
Brodo I.M, Sharnoff S.D, Sharnoff S..  2001.  Lichens of North America.
Brodie, Jr. E.D.  1984.  Letter to J. Gore, USFWS, Boise, voicing Brodie's lack of support for listing the Idaho and Montana populations of Plethodon vandykei.  
Broad K..  1989.  Lichens in southern woodlands. Forestry Commission Handbook 4.  
British Columbia Ministry of Environment.  0.  Lynx: management guidelines for British Columbia.  
Brandborg SM.  1955.  Life history and management of the mountain goat in Idaho.  
Brady G..  1990.  Letter of 1 January to Idaho Natural Heritage Program regarding harlequin duck sightings.  
Bowler P.A.  1992.  Letter of August 31 to Dr. Marvin Plenert, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, regarding rationale for the Service's reclassification of the Shoshone sculpin.  
Bowler P.A.  1985.  Letter to the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service with associated newspaper clippings and other letters in support of the listing of the Bruneau Hot Springsnail as Endangered.  
Bourgeron P., Jensen M., Engelking L., Everett R., Humphries H..  1995.  Landscape ecology, conservation biology, and principles of ecosystem management.
Bourgeron P.S, Humphries H.C, Jensen M.E.  1994.  Landscape characterization: a framework for ecological assessment at regional and local scales.  Journal of Sustainable Forestry.  2:267-281.
Bourassa A.S.  1990.  Letter dated June 28 to the Forest Supervisor, Clearwater National Forest, containing the decision documentation relating to Bourassa's April 6 decision on the Dworshak Access Proposal.  
Booser J, Sprunt, IV A.  1980.  A literature review and annotated bibliography of the Great Basin/Rocky Mountain population of the White-faced ibis.  
Boone JD, Ammon E, Johnson K.  2018.  Long-term declines in the pinyon jay and management implications for piñon–juniper woodlands in: Trends and traditions: Avifaunal change in western North America (W. D. Shuford, R. E. Gill Jr., and C. M. Handel, eds.).  Studies of Western Birds.  3:190-197.  Available from
Boise State University, Department of Biology.  0.  Logbook and notebook detailing the BSU Department of Biology bird collection.  
Blake J..  1988.  Letter to Bob Moseley describing 2 new locations for Trientalis latifolia.  
Blake J..  1988.  Letter from Jill Blake to Susan Bernatas from July 21, 1988, regarding Cardamine constancei locations in Coeur d'Alene District BLM.  
Blaisdale J.P.  1977.  Letter from the Assistant Director of Research to the Planner-Coordinator of the Caribou NF discussing boundaries of the Elk Valley pRNA.  
Beschta RL.  1978.  Long-term patterns of sediment production following road construction and logging in the Oregon Caost Range.  Water Resources Research.  14(6):1011-1016.
Beschta RL, J. Kauffman B, Dobkin DS, Ellsworth LM.  2014.  Long-term livestock grazing alters aspen age structure in the northwestern Great Basin.  Forest Ecology and Management.  329:30-36.  Available from
Bernatas S., Moseley R.K.  1991.  Long-term population monitoring of Davis' peppergrass (Lepidiuim davisii) on the Mountain Home Air Force Base: establishment of monitoring plots and first-year results.    Available from
Bernatas S..  1990.  Letter dated 4 September to Kermit Kiebert, Director, Idaho Department of Transportation, regarding the Soda Springs Natural Scenic Area.  
Bernatas S..  1991.  Letter to LaSalle regarding the certification of Circle End Boundary description.  
Bernatas S., Bilbao A., Strickler K., Moseley R.K.  1994.  Long-term population monitoring of Davis' peppergrass (Lepidium davisii) on the Mountain Home Air Force Base: third-year results 1994 Annual Report.  
Bernatas S., Moseley R.K.  1993.  Long-term population monitoring of Davis' peppergrass (Lepidium davisii) on the Mountain Home Air Force Base: establishment of monitoring plots and second-year results 1993 Annual Report.