Bibliography and Citations

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Jenkins H.O.  1906.  List of birds collected between Monterey and San Simeon. [This document is a single page copied from a much larger and unknown work.].  
Jenni D..  1993.  Letter and list of fisher and lynx trapping records sent to Gary Will, State Furbearer Manager, Idaho Department of Fish and Game.  
Jochimsen DM, Peterson CR, Andrews KM, J. Gibbons W.  2004.  A literature review of the effects of roads on amphibians and reptiles and the measures used to minimize those effects. Final Draft.    Available from
Johnson P.J.  1987.  Larval taxonomy, biology, and biogeography of the genera of North American Byrrhidae (Insecta: Coleoptera).  :268pp..
Johnson PTJ, Lunde KB, Zelmer DA, J. Werner K.  2003.  Limb deformities as an emerging parasitic disease in amphibians: evidence from museum specimens and resurvey data.  Conservation Biology.  17(6):1724-1737.  Available from,
Johnson N.K.  1969.  Life expectancy of a sagebrush control in central Wyoming.  Journal of Range Management.  22:177-182.
Johnson C.G.  1985.  Letter from Charles G. Johnson to Sue Yamamota, OR Natural Heritage, listing sightings of Halimolobos perplexa var perplexa in Idaho, as well as other sp located in OR.  
Jones A.G.  1987.  Lectotypification of Aster jessicae Piper: a rebuttal.  Taxon.  36(1):142.
Jones G.n.  1948.  A list of vascular plants from St. Louis County, Minnesota.  American Midland Naturalist.  40(2):475-492.
Jones J.L.  1990.  Letter to Charles H. Lobdell, USFWS, Boise Field Office, regarding Lobdell's request concerning the likelihood that the Pacific population of fishers could or would interbreed with the Idaho population.  
Jr. H.EWright.  1974.  Landscape development, forest fires, and wilderness management.  Science.  186(4163):487-495.