Bibliography and Citations

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Tack JD, Fedy BC.  2015.  Landscapes for energy and wildlife: conservation prioritization for golden eagles across large spatial scales.  PLOS ONE.  10(8):e0134781.
Taylor C.  1984.  Letter to Douglass Henderson dated 2 January, reguarding an Idaho specimen of Solidago spectabilis found in the Dudley Herbarium, Stanford University.  
The Lepidopterists' Society.  2014.  The Lepidopterists' Society Season Summary database hosted by SCAN (Symbiota Collections of Arthropods Network).    Available from
Thomas JWard, Pletscher DH.  2002.  The "lynx affair"–professional credibility on the line.  Wildlife Society Bulletin.  30(4):1281-1286.
Thomas R..  2006.  Letter to Tracey Trent, Chief, Natural Resources Policy Bureau, from Rosemary Thomas, Four Rivers Field Manager, Bureau of Land Management, regarding penetrative trampling livestock trigger–EO 71. Boise, ID.  
Thor G..  1995.  Letter and questionnaire requesting information to establish the IUCN Red List of lichens.  
Thor G..  1993.  Letter outlining the IAL Committee for Conservation of Lichens (ICCL) and questionnaire for information concerning lichens and lichen rich habitats.  
Todd M..  1985.  Letter to Craig Groves, Idaho Natural Heritage Program, concerning nest locations of ferruginous and Swainson's hawks.  
Trass H., Randlane T..  1986.  Lichen species of Estonia in need of protection.  Folia Cryptogamica Estonica.  21:1-3.
Trent T..  2006.  A letter to Jeff Foss, U. S. Fish and Wildlife, regarding Mirabilis Macfarlanei.  
Trueblood E..  1984.  Letter of 1 November, to Joe Zimmer, Boise District BLM Manager, in response to the Jacks Creek Wilderness draft EIS.  
Tucker HM.  1957.  Little spotted bat in Idaho.  Journal of Mammalogy.  38(3):40.
Turner FB.  1958.  Life-history of the western spotted frog in Yellowstone National Park.  Herpetologica.  14(2):96-100.  Available from