Bibliography and Citations

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Graf RF, Bollmann K, Suter W, Bugmann H.  2005.  The importance of spatial scale in habitat models: capercaillie in the Swiss Alps.  Landscape Ecology.  20(6):703–717.  Available from
Gray K., Hill J., Lichthardt J..  2010.  Herbarium review and field survey for Astragalus arrectus Gray (Palouse milkvetch) and Astragalus riparius Barneby (Piper's milkvetch), Redbird Canyon, Idaho.  
Gray K., Hill J., Lichthardt J..  2010.  Herbarium review and field survey for Astragalus arrectus Gray (Palouse milkvetch) and Astragalus riparius Barneby (Piper's milkvetch), Redbird Canyon, Idaho.  
Grayson DK.  2006.  The Late Quaternary biogeographic histories of some Great Basin mammals (western USA).  Quaternary Science Reviews.  25:2964–2991.
Greaser D.  2012.  Bethlehem Mine: bat survey and data logger deployment report.  
Grodhaus G.  1987.  Endochironomus Kieffer, Tribelos Townes, Synendotendipes, n. gen., and Endotribelos, n. gen. (Diptera: Chironomidae) of the Nearctic Region.  Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society.  60(2):167-247.  Available from
Groves C, Zehntner E.  1990.  Distribution and status of Great Gray owls (Strix Nebulosa) on the Targhee National Forest, 1989.  
Groves DJ.  2012.  The 2010 North American trumpeter swan survey. A cooperative North American survey.    Available from
Groves CR, Steenhof K.  1988.  Responses of small mammals and vegetation to wildfire in shadscale communities of Southwestern Idaho.  Northwest Science.  62(5):205-210.  Available from
Hagen CA.  2010.  Impacts of energy development on prairie grouse ecology: a research synthesis. Transactions of the 75th North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference; 2010 March 22-27.  McCabe RE, Stockwell KA, editors. Milwaukee (WI): Wildlife Management Institute.   p. 96-103.  Available from
Hagen CA.  2010.  Impacts of energy development on prairie grouse ecology: a research synthesis. Transactions of the 75th North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference; 2010 March 22-27.  McCabe RE, Stockwell KA, editors. Milwaukee (WI): Wildlife Management Institute.   p. 96-103.  Available from
Hagen CA.  2010.  Impacts of energy development on prairie grouse ecology: a research synthesis. Transactions of the 75th North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference; 2010 March 22-27.  McCabe RE, Stockwell KA, editors. Milwaukee (WI): Wildlife Management Institute.   p. 96-103.  Available from
Hagen CA.  2010.  Impacts of energy development on prairie grouse ecology: a research synthesis. Transactions of the 75th North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference; 2010 March 22-27.  McCabe RE, Stockwell KA, editors. Milwaukee (WI): Wildlife Management Institute.   p. 96-103.  Available from
Halford A.  2019.  Idaho rare plant observation report forms from BLM State Office for 2019 field season.  
Hallock LA, Haugo RD, Crawford R.  2007.  Conservation strategy for Washington State inland sand dunes.  Prepared for Bureau of Land Management, Spokane, WA.    Available from
Hallock LA, Haugo RD, Crawford R.  2007.  Conservation strategy for Washington State inland sand dunes.  Prepared for Bureau of Land Management, Spokane, WA.    Available from
Hamilton GB, Peterson CR, Wall WA.  1998.  Distribution and habitat relationships of amphibians on the Potlatch Corporation operating area in northern Idaho.  
Hampton N.  2005.  Insects of the Idaho National Laboratory: a compilation and review. Sagegrouse Habitat Restoration Symposium proceedings; 2001June 4-7.  RMRS-P-38.  Shaw NL, Pellant M, Monsen SB, editors. Boise (ID): U.S. Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station.   p. 116-130.  Available from
Hansen AJ, Phillips LB.  2015.  Which tree species and biome types are most vulnerable to climate change in the US northern Rocky Mountains? Forest Ecology and Management.  338:68–83.  Available from
Harris H.M, Shull W.E.  1944.  A preliminary list of Hemiptera of Idaho.  Iowa State College Journal of Science.  18(1):199-208.  Available from
Harwood M.  1982.  Unmiraculous comeback of the trumpeter swan.  Audubon.  Jan:32-40.
Hathaway S.A, Sheehan D.P, Simovich M.A.  1996.  Vulnerability of branchiopod cysts to crushing.  Journal of Crustacean Biology.  16(3):448-452.  Available from
Hathaway S.A, Sheehan D.P, Simovich M.A.  1996.  Vulnerability of branchiopod cysts to crushing.  Journal of Crustacean Biology.  16(3):448-452.  Available from
Haymond S., Rogers D.S.  1997.  Habitat use by summer populations of bats in sagebrush steppe.  
Headrick DH, Goeden RD, Teerink JA.  1997.  Taxonomy of Aciurina trixa Curran (Diptera: Tephritidae) and its life history on Chrysothamnus nauseosus (Pallas) Britton in southern California; with notes on A. bigeloviae (Cockerell).  Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington.  99(3):415-428.  Available from