Endochironomus Kieffer, Tribelos Townes, Synendotendipes, n. gen., and Endotribelos, n. gen. (Diptera: Chironomidae) of the Nearctic Region

Publication Type:

Journal Article


Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society, Allen Press for Kansas (Central States) Entomological Society, Volume 60, Issue 2, p.167-247 (1987)

Call Number:





Endochironomus, Endotribelos, Synendotendipes, Tribelos


The Nearctic members of Endochironomus Kieffer and Tribelos Townes and of two new genera, Synendotendipes and Endotribelos, form this taxonomic study. Endochironomus is represented by E. nigricans (Johannsen), E. subtendens (Townes), and E. oldenbergi Goetghebuer and by two ndetermined species seen as larvae. Tribelos occurs as T. jucundum (Walker), T.fuscicorne (Malloch), T. atrum Townes), T. subatrum, n. sp., and T. subletteorum, n. sp. and by one undetermined species recorded as an adult. Synendotendipes is present as S. luski, n. sp. Species of Endotribelos examined were E. hesperium (Sublette) and one undetermined species seen as an adult. The species Tanytarsus (Tribelos) protextus Townes is synonymized under T. jucundum. T. subatrum and T. subletteorum have larvae that survive during the summer when water is absent from pools where they occur in California. S. luski larvae have been collected in California mountains and in Canada. E. hesperium larvae are presumed to inhabit plant tissue and occur in California and Florida. The genus Synendotendipes has certain characteristics of adult male and female genitalia and larval mouthparts that seem to place it close to Endochironomus, but the pupal exuviae suggest that these genera are rather distantly related. Endotribelos is probably more closely related to the genus Phaenopsectra Kieffer than to any of the taxa dealt with in this paper. This assemblage of species plus certain other genera should be studied in order to get information regarding evolution within this group.


ELECTRONIC FILE - Zoology: Invertebrates