Bibliography and Citations

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Laurance WF, Reynolds TD.  1984.  Confirmation and expansion of the reported distribution of two species of Idaho herptiles.  Great Basin Naturalist.  44(2):313-316.  Available from
Garland, Jr. T, W. Bradley G.  1984.  Effects of a highway on Mojave desert rodent populations.  American Midland Naturalist.  111(1):47-56.  Available from
Marks JS, Marti CD.  1984.  Feeding ecology of sympatric barn owls and long-eared owls in Idaho.  Ornis Scandinavica.  15(2):135-143.
Pierce D.J, Peek JM.  1984.  Moose habitat use and selection patterns in north-central Idaho.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  48(4):1335-1343.
Craig T.H, Craig E.H.  1984.  Results of a helicopter survey of cliff nesting raptors in a deep canyon in southern Idaho.  Raptor Research.  18(1):20-25.  Available from
Craig T.H, Craig E.H.  1984.  Results of a helicopter survey of cliff nesting raptors in a deep canyon in southern Idaho.  Raptor Research.  18(1):20-25.  Available from
Pierce JD.  1984.  Shiras moose forage selection in relation to browse availability in north-central Idaho.  Canadian Journal of Zoology.  62(12):2404-2409.
Steyskal GC.  1984.  A synoptic revision of the genus Aciurina Curran, 1932 (Diptera, Tephritidae).  Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington.  86(3):582-598.  Available from