Bibliography and Citations

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Bates KK.  2000.  Searches for raptor monitoring sites during autumn migration in southwestern and southcentral Idaho in 1996.  
French AR.  1989.  Seasonal variation in use of torpor by pallid kangaroo mice, Microdipodops pallidus.  Journal of Mammalogy.  70(4):839-842.  Available from
Cane JH, Johnson C, Napoles JRomero, Johnson DA, Hammon R.  2013.  Seed-feeding beetles (Bruchinae, Curculionidae, Brentidae) from legumes (Dalea ornata, astragalus filipes) and other forbs needed for restoring rangelands of the Intermountain West.  Western North American Naturalist.  73(4):477-484.  Available from
Brawn JD.  1988.  Selectivity and ecological consequences of cavity nesters using natural vs. artificial nest sites.  Auk.  105(4):789-791.  Available from
Klott J.  1996.  Sensitive animals of the Jarbidge Resource Area, Idaho.  
Klott J.  1996.  Sensitive animals of the Jarbidge Resource Area, Idaho.  
Pont AC, Meier R.  2002.  The Sepsidae (Diptera) of Europe. Fauna Entomologica Scandinavica.  37.   Brill.    Available from
Messick JP, Smith GW, Barnes AM.  1983.  Serologic testing of badgers to monitor plague in southwestern Idaho.  Journal of Wildlife Diseases.  19(1):1-6.
Messick JP, Smith GW, Barnes AM.  1983.  Serologic testing of badgers to monitor plague in southwestern Idaho.  Journal of Wildlife Diseases.  19(1):1-6.
Hogstad O.  1976.  Sexual dimorphism and divergence in winter foraging behaviour of three-toed woodpeckers Picoides tridactylus.  Ibis.  118(1):41-50.
Gillihan SW.  2006.  Sharing the land with pinyon-juniper birds.    Available from
Connelly J.W, Gratson M.W, Reese K.P.  1998.  Sharp-tailed grouse (Tympanuchus phasianellus).  Birds of North American Online.  (354)  Available from
Connelly J.W, Gratson M.W, Reese K.P.  1998.  Sharp-tailed grouse (Tympanuchus phasianellus).  Birds of North American Online.  (354)  Available from
Pierce JD.  1984.  Shiras moose forage selection in relation to browse availability in north-central Idaho.  Canadian Journal of Zoology.  62(12):2404-2409.
Winton R, Demaray A, Mastrofini M.  2017.  Shoshone Field Office Pygmy Rabbit Surveys 2017 Final Report.  
Rompola KM, Anderson SH.  2002.  Small mammal community in a juniper-woodland sagebrush-grassland mosaic in southwestern Wyoming.  Intermountain Journal of Sciences.  8(1):19-29.
Rompola KM, Anderson SH.  2002.  Small mammal community in a juniper-woodland sagebrush-grassland mosaic in southwestern Wyoming.  Intermountain Journal of Sciences.  8(1):19-29.
O'Farrell MJ, Clark WA.  1986.  Small mammal community structure in northeastern Nevada.  Southwestern Naturalist.  31(1):23-32.  Available from
Allred DM.  1973.  Small mammals of the National Reactor Testing Station, Idaho.  Great Basin Naturalist.  33(4):246-250.  Available from
Kaltenecker GS.  2000.  Smith's Ferry Bald Eagle territory management plan North Fork Payette River, Idaho.  
Cazier L.D.  2001.  Snake River aquatic macroinvertebrate and ESA snail survey (with supplemental analysis).  
Bureau of Land Management, Boise District Office.  1994.  Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area Research and Monitoring 1994 Annual Report.  
Colson K, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  2020.  Spalding's catchfly 5-year review provided via email attachement.  
Hill J.  2017.  Spalding's Catchfly: A Monitoring Challenge.  Sage Notes.  39(3):6pp..
Hill J.  2018.  Spalding's catchfly (Silene spaldingii S.Watson) at the Garden Creek Ranch, Craig Mountain, Idaho. 1993-2018. Draft Report.