Bibliography and Citations

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Journal Article
D. Rogers C.  2003.  Revision of the thamnocephalid genus Phallocryptus (Crustacea; Branchiopoda; Anostraca).  Zootaxa.  257:1-14.
Sherwin RE, Stricklan D, Rogers DS.  2000.  Roosting affinities of Townsend's big-eared bat (Corynorhinus townsendii) in northern Utah.  Journal of Mammalogy.  8(14):939-947.
Crother BI.  2012.  Scientific and standard English names of amphibians and reptiles of North America north of Mexico, with comments regarding confidence in our understanding.  SSAR Herpetological Circular.  39:1-92.  Available from
French AR.  1989.  Seasonal variation in use of torpor by pallid kangaroo mice, Microdipodops pallidus.  Journal of Mammalogy.  70(4):839-842.  Available from
Cane JH, Johnson C, Napoles JRomero, Johnson DA, Hammon R.  2013.  Seed-feeding beetles (Bruchinae, Curculionidae, Brentidae) from legumes (Dalea ornata, astragalus filipes) and other forbs needed for restoring rangelands of the Intermountain West.  Western North American Naturalist.  73(4):477-484.  Available from
Brawn JD.  1988.  Selectivity and ecological consequences of cavity nesters using natural vs. artificial nest sites.  Auk.  105(4):789-791.  Available from
Messick JP, Smith GW, Barnes AM.  1983.  Serologic testing of badgers to monitor plague in southwestern Idaho.  Journal of Wildlife Diseases.  19(1):1-6.
Messick JP, Smith GW, Barnes AM.  1983.  Serologic testing of badgers to monitor plague in southwestern Idaho.  Journal of Wildlife Diseases.  19(1):1-6.
Hogstad O.  1976.  Sexual dimorphism and divergence in winter foraging behaviour of three-toed woodpeckers Picoides tridactylus.  Ibis.  118(1):41-50.
Pierce JD.  1984.  Shiras moose forage selection in relation to browse availability in north-central Idaho.  Canadian Journal of Zoology.  62(12):2404-2409.
Rompola KM, Anderson SH.  2002.  Small mammal community in a juniper-woodland sagebrush-grassland mosaic in southwestern Wyoming.  Intermountain Journal of Sciences.  8(1):19-29.
Rompola KM, Anderson SH.  2002.  Small mammal community in a juniper-woodland sagebrush-grassland mosaic in southwestern Wyoming.  Intermountain Journal of Sciences.  8(1):19-29.
O'Farrell MJ, Clark WA.  1986.  Small mammal community structure in northeastern Nevada.  Southwestern Naturalist.  31(1):23-32.  Available from
Allred DM.  1973.  Small mammals of the National Reactor Testing Station, Idaho.  Great Basin Naturalist.  33(4):246-250.  Available from
Hill J.  2017.  Spalding's Catchfly: A Monitoring Challenge.  Sage Notes.  39(3):6pp..
Inman RM, Packila ML, Inman KH.  2012.  Spatial ecology of wolverines at the southern periphery of distribution.  The Journal of Wildlife Management.  76(4):p.778-792.
Lesica P, Cooper SV.  1999.  Succession and disturbance in sandhills vegetation: constructing models for managing biological diversity.  Conservation Biology.  13(2):293-302.
Jones GF.  1948.  A summer aggregation of lump-nosed bats at Lake Pend Oreille, Idaho.  Murrelet.  29(3):48.  Available from
Nimmo A.P, Scudder G.GE.  1983.  Supplement to an annotated checklist of the Trichoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia.  Syesis.  16:71-83.
Corn PStephen, Jennings ML, Muths E.  1997.  Survey and assessment of amphibian populations in Rocky Mountain National Park.  Northwestern Naturalist.  78(1):34-55.  Available from,,
Platt JB.  1971.  A survey of nesting hawks, eagles, falcons and owls in Curlew Valley, Utah.  Great Basin Naturalist.  31(2):51-65.  Available from
Platt JB.  1971.  A survey of nesting hawks, eagles, falcons and owls in Curlew Valley, Utah.  Great Basin Naturalist.  31(2):51-65.  Available from
Korpimäki E, Lagerström M.  1988.  Survival and natal dispersal of fledglings of Tengmalm's owl in relation to fluctuating food conditions and hatching date.  Journal of Animal Ecology.  57(2):433-441.
Ferreira PSergio Fui, Henry TJ.  2011.  Synopsis and keys to the tribes, genera, and species of Miridae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) of Minas Gerais, Brazil Part I: Bryocorinae.  Zootaxa.  2920:1-41.  Available from
Steyskal GC.  1984.  A synoptic revision of the genus Aciurina Curran, 1932 (Diptera, Tephritidae).  Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington.  86(3):582-598.  Available from