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Bousquet Y, Bouchard P, Davies AE, Sikes DS.  2013.  Checklist of beetles (Coleoptera) of Canada and Alaska. Second Edition.  Zookeys.  360  Available from
Bousquet Y.  1991.  Checklist of beetles of Canada and Alaska. Ottowa (ON): Agriculture Canada, Research Branch.    Available from
Yensen NP, Clark WH, Francoeur A.  1977.  A checklist of Idaho ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).  Pan-Pacific Entomologist.  53(3):181-187.  Available from,_Clark_%26_Francoeur_1977.pdf
Price MA, Graham O.H.  1997.  Chewing and sucking lice as parasites of mammals and birds. Technical Bulletin; no. 1849.  [Washington (DC)]: USDA Agricultural Research Service.    Available from
Price MA, Graham O.H.  1997.  Chewing and sucking lice as parasites of mammals and birds. Technical Bulletin; no. 1849.  [Washington (DC)]: USDA Agricultural Research Service.    Available from
Price MA, Graham O.H.  1997.  Chewing and sucking lice as parasites of mammals and birds. Technical Bulletin; no. 1849.  [Washington (DC)]: USDA Agricultural Research Service.    Available from
Price MA, Graham O.H.  1997.  Chewing and sucking lice as parasites of mammals and birds. Technical Bulletin; no. 1849.  [Washington (DC)]: USDA Agricultural Research Service.    Available from
Kerr JT, Pindar A, Galpern P, Packer L, Potts SG, Roberts SM, Rasmont P, Schweiger O, Colla SR, Richardson LL et al..  2015.  Climate change impacts on bumblebees converge across continents.  Science.  349(6244):177-180.  Available from
Finch DM.  2012.  Climate change in grasslands, shrublands, and deserts of the interior American West: a review and needs assessment. General Technical Report RMRS-GTR-285.  Friggens MM, Warwell MV, Chambers JC, Kitchen SG, Meyer SE, Brantley SL, Ford PL, Richardson BA, Shaw NL, Pendleton RL et al., editors. Fort Collins (CO): U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station.    Available from
Polgar CA, Primack RB, Williams EH, Stichter S, Hitchcock C.  2013.  Climate effects on the flight period of Lycaenid butterflies in Massachusetts.  Biological Conservation.  160:25-31.
Rugenski AR, G. Minshall W.  2014.  Climate-moderated responses to wildfire by macroinvertebrates and basal food resources in montane wilderness streams.  Ecosphere.  5(3):art25.  Available from
Korpimäki E.  1987.  Clutch size, breeding success and brood size experiments in Tengmalm's owl Aegolius funereus: a test of hypotheses.  Ornis Scandinavica.  18(4):277-284.
Isaak DJ, Young MK, Nagel DE, Horan DL, Groce MC.  2015.  The cold-water climate shield: delineating refugia for preserving salmonid fishes through the 21st century.  Global Change Biology.  21(7):2540–2553.
Stafford MP, Barr WF, Johnson JB.  1986.  Coleoptera of the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory: an annotated checklist.  Great Basin Naturalist.  46(2):287-293.  Available from
Moulton C.  2020.  Colony count data (1992-2019).  
Moulton C.  2020.  Colony count data (1992-2019).  
Bureau of Land Management.  2012.  Common wildflowers of Southern Idaho. Edition Rev. 09.  Boise (Idaho): Bureau of Land Management, Idaho State Office.  
Conway CJ, Simon JC.  2003.  Comparison of detection probability associated with burrowing owl survey methods.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  67(3):501–511.  Available from
Freeman E, Moisen GG.  2008.  A comparison of the performance of threshold criteria for binary classification in terms of predicted prevalence and kappa.  Ecological Modelling.  217(1-2):48–58.  Available from
Richards DCharles.  2004.  Competition between the threatened Bliss Rapids snail, Taylorconcha serpenticola (Hershler et al.) and the invasive, aquatic snail, Potamopyrgus antipodarum (Gray).  Biological Sciences.  :156.  Available from
Dolan AC.  2018.  Compilation of genus Bombus specimen data at the Orma J. Smith Museum of Natural History, College of Idaho.  
Dolan AC.  2018.  Compilation of genus Bombus specimen data at the Orma J. Smith Museum of Natural History, College of Idaho.  
Svancara L.  2019.  Compilation of moose (Alces americanus) observations in Idaho and review of existing observation records, 1979-2019 [Excel spreadsheet]..  
Svancara LK.  2020.  Compilation of Pygmy Rabbit observation records for species status assessment work, 2020.  
Svancara LK.  2020.  Compilation of Western Bumble Bee observation records for species status assessment work, 2020.