Bibliography and Citations

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Kershaw K.A, MacFarlane J.D.  1982.  Physiological-environmental interactions in lichens. XIII. Seasonal constancy of nitrogenase activity, net photosysthesis and respiration, in Collema furfuraceum (Am.).  New Phyotologist.  90:723-734.
Kershaw K.A.  1947.  Studies on lichen-dominated systems. X. The sedge meadows of the coastal raised beaches.  Canadian Journal of Botany.  52:1947-1972.
Kershaw K.A, Hannon.  2005.  McBride Creek ACEC Survey.  
Kessler G..  2002.  Memorandum opinion and order regarding the lynx in the contiguous United States to be a Threatened rather than an Endangered species. Defenders of Wildlife et al., plaintiffs, v. Gale Norton et al., defendants. United States District Court for the Distric.  
Kessler R..  1990.  The status of mountain quail (Oreortyx pictus) in Washington state.  
Ketchledge E.H.  1984.  Adirondack Insights: 15. The alpine flora.  Adirondac.  48(5):17-20.
Ketchledge E.H, Leonard R.E.  1984.  Adirondack Insights: 6. Summit stability.  Adirondac.  46(10):22-23.
Ketchledge E.H.  1982.  Adirondack Insights: 3. Dwarf willows and dwarf birches.  Adirondac.  46(10):18-19.
Ketchum C..  1985.  Bowen Canyon Bald Eagle Sanctuary: an overview.  
Keyes CR.  1905.  Some bird notes from the central Sierras.  Condor.  7(1):13-17.  Available from
Keysor A, Beck W.  2006.  2006 Winter Owl Surveys--Mill/Nieber/Dry Timber Sales.  
Keysor A.  2007.  Montpelier Ranger District 2007 Owl Surveys.  
Keysor A.  2005.  Flammulated Owl Survey for 2005. Not paged plus map.  
Khoury CK, Greene S, Wiersema J, Maxted N, Jarvis A, Struik PC.  2013.  An Inventory of Crop Wild Relatives of the United States.  Crop Science.  53:1496-1508.
Kibler R., Wood. J..  2005.  Shapefile locations of Goose Creek Milkvetch (Astagalus anserinus) located during census efforts conducted during the Spring of 2005 in Goose Creek and Dry Creek, Utah and Nevada.  
Kibler R., Wood. J..  2004.  Shapefile locations of Goose Creek Milkvetch (Astagalus anserinus) located during census efforts conducted during the Spring of 2004 in Goose Creek, Utah/Nevada/Idaho.  
Kido M.H, Heacock D.E, Asquith A..  1999.  Alien rainbow trout (ONCORHYNCHUS MYKISS) (Salmoniformes: Salmonidae) diet in Hawaiian streams.  Pacific Science.  53:242-251.
Kiesecker JM, Blaustein AR, Belden LK.  2001.  Complex causes of amphibian population declines.  Nature.  410(6829):681-684.  Available from
A. Kiester R, J. Scott M, Csuti B, Noss RF, Butterfield B, Sahr K, White D.  1996.  Conservation prioritization using gap data.  Conservation Biology.  10(5):1332-1342.  Available from
Kiger R.W.  1975.  Papaver in North America north of Mexico.  Rhodora.  77:410-422.
Kilgore BM.  1971.  Response of breeding bird populations to habitat changes in a giant sequoia forest.  American Midland Naturalist.  85(1):135-152.
Kilham L..  1979.  Courtship and the pair-bond of pileated woodpeckers.  Auk.  96:587-594.
Kilpatrick D., Reese D.KP, Hanauska-Brown L., Hemker T..  2005.  Trumpeter swan translocations and observations - winter 2004-2005, Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Upper Snake Region.  
Kilpatrick J.  1988.  We must protect endangered species.  Press Tribune.  41186
Kim J., Pezzuto J.M, Soejarto D.D, Lang F.A, Kinghorn A.D.  1988.  Polypodoside A, an intensley sweet constituent of the rhizomes of Polypodium glycyrrhiza.  Journal of Natural Products.  51(6):166-172.