Bibliography and Citations

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Konopacky R..  1993.  Personal correspondence. Presence-absence results of mollusc survey in the designated project impact zone of the proposed Auger Falls Hydroelectric Project during late-June 1993. Memorandum from Konopacky Environmental, Inc., Meridian, ID, to Boise Field.  
Konopacky Environmental.  1995.  Presence-absence survey for ESA-listed mollusc species at the site of a proposed bridge project on the Snake River, near King Hill, Idaho.  
Konopacky Environmental.  1995.  Presence survey for five ESA-listed species of molluscs in selected sites within the Portneuf, Snake, and Blackfoot River drainages, upstream of American Falls Reservoir, Idaho, during late-September 1994.  
Konopacky Environmental.  1992.  Distribution of five species of molluscs, all candidates for listing under the Endangered Species Act, in the diversion reach associated with the proposed Auger Falls Hydroelectric Project on the Snake River, Idaho, during early July, 1992.  
Konopacky Environmental.  1994.  Presence-absence survey for five ESA-listed species of molluscs in the designated downstream and upstream project impact zones associated with the proposed Shelley Hydroelectric Project on the Snake River, Idaho during early September 1994.  
Konopacky Environmental.  1995.  Presence-absence survey for five ESA-listed species of molluscs in Lower Blue Lake after a drawdown occurrence caused by the operation of an up-gradient groundwater-supplied pump facility for the City of Twin Falls, Idaho.  
Koopman M.E, Cypher B.L, Scrivner J.H.  2000.  Dispersal patterns of San Joaquin kit foxes (VULPES MACROTIS MUTICA).  Journal of Mammalogy.  81:13-222.
Koopowitz H.  2001.  Orchids and their conservation. Portland (OR): Timber Press.  
Kootenai Tribe of Idaho, Fish W& Parks Mo.  2004.  Kootenai Subbasin Plan. Part 1. Kootenai River Subbasin assessment.    Available from
Kootenai Tribe of Idaho.  2009.  Kootenai River habitat restoration project master plan: a conceptual feasibility analysis and design framework.    Available from
Kootenai Tribe of Idaho, Fish and Wildlife Department, Kruse G.  2002.  Trout Creek biological assessment: 2001.    Available from
Kootenai Valley Resource Initiative Burbot Committee.  2005.  Kootenai River/Kootenay Lake burbot conservation strategy.    Available from
Koplin JR.  1969.  The numerical response of woodpeckers to insect prey in a subalpine forest in Colorado.  Condor.  71(4):436-438.  Available from
Koponen T..  1992.  Endangered bryophytes on a global scale.  Biological Conservation.  59:255-258.
Koponen T..  1971.  A report on Rhizomnium (Mniaceae) in Japan.  Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory.  34:365-390.
Koponen T..  1973.  Rhizomnium (Miniaceae) in North America.  Annales Botanici Fennici.  10:1-26.
Koprowski J.L.  1991.  Response of fox squirrels and gray squirrels to a late spring-early summer food shortage.  Journal of Mammalogy.  72:367-372.
Kormondy E.J.  1969.  Concepts of ecology.
Kormos PR, Marks D, Pierson FB, C. Williams J, Hardegree SP, Havens S, Hedrick A, Bates JD, Svejcar TJ.  2016.  Sagebrush Rangelands Help Maintain Water Availability.  :4pp..
Kormos PR, Marks D, Pierson FB, C. Williams J, Hardegree SP, Havens S, Hedrick A, Bates JD, Svejcar TJ.  2016.  Ecosystem Water Availability in Juniper versus Sagebrush Snow-Dominated Rangelands.  Rangeland Ecology & Management.  :13pp..
Korol J.B.  1992.  The vascular plant flora of Rankin Inlet, District of Keewatin, Northwest Territories.  Canadian Field-Naturalist.  106:342-347.
Korpimäki E.  1988.  Costs of reproduction and success of manipulated broods under varying food conditions in Tengmalm's owl.  Journal of Animal Ecology.  57(3):1027-1039.
Korpimäki E.  1988.  Diet of breeding Tengmalm's owls Aegolius funereus: long-term changes and year-to-year variation under cyclic food conditions.  Ornis Fennica.  65(1):21-30.  Available from
Korpimäki E.  1989.  Mating system and mate choice of Tengmalm's owls Aegolius funereus.  Ibis.  131(1):41-50.
Korpimäki E.  1988.  Effects of age on breeding performance of Tengmalm's owl Aegolius funereus in western Finland.  Ornis Scandinavica.  19(1):21-26.