Bibliography and Citations

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Ruggiero LF, Aubry KB, Buskirk SW, Koehler GM, Krebs CJ, McKelvey KS, Squires JR.  1999.  Ecology and conservation of lynx in the United States. General Technical Report RMRS-GTR-30WWW.  Boulder (CO): U. S. Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station.    Available from
Goodsell JA, Kats LB.  1999.  Effect of introduced mosquitofish on Pacific treefrogs and the role of alternative prey.  Conservation Biology.  13(4):921-924.  Available from
Lehman R.N, Steenhof K., Kochert M.N, Carpenter L.B.  1999.  Effects of military training activities on shrub-steppe raptors in southwestern Idaho, USA.  
Zink R.M, Dittmann D.L, Klicka J., Blackwell-Rago R.C.  1999.  Evolutionary patterns of morphometrics, allozymes, and mitochondrial DNA in thrashers (Genus TOXOSTOMA).  Auk.  116:1-1038.
Neary DG, Klopatek CC, DeBano LF, Ffolliott PF.  1999.  Fire effects on belowground sustainability: a review and synthesis.  Forest Ecology and Management.  122(1-2):51-71.  Available from
Kaye T.N.  1999.  From flowering to dispersal: reproductive ecology of an endemic plant, Astragalus australis var. olympicus (Fabaceae).  American Journal of Botany.  86:1248-1256.
Goble DD, George SM, Mazaika K, J. Scott M, Karl J.  1999.  Local and national protection of endangered species: an assessment.  Environmental Science & Policy.  2:43-59.
Kaltenecker GS.  1999.  McCall Airport bald eagle territory management plan North Fork Payette River, Idaho.  
Rotenberry J.T, Knick S.T.  1999.  Multiscale habitat associations of the sage sparrow: implications for conservation biology.  Conservation Biology.  19:95-103.
Gillis E.A, Krebs C.J.  1999.  Natal dispersal of snowshoe hares during a cyclic population increase.  Journal of Mammalogy.  80:933-939.
Wilson B.L., Brainerd R., Huso M., Kuykendall K., Lytjen D., Newhouse B., Otting N., Sundberg S., Zika P..  1999.  Native Plant Society of Oregon.  Native Plant Society of Oregon.  Occasional Paper No. 1:29pp..
McCafferty W.P, Kondratieff B.C.  1999.  New species of Paraleptophlebia (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae) from Idaho and Washington.  Entomological News.  110(4):217-220.  Available from
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  1999.  Recovery plan for the white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus): Kootenai River population.    Available from
Knick S.T, Rotenberry J.T.  1999.  Spatial distribution of breeding passerine bird habitats in a shrub-steppe region of southwestern Idaho.  Studies in Avian Biology.  19:104-111.
Pierson ED, Wackenhut MC, J. Altenbach S, Bradley P, Call P, Genter DL, Harris CE, Keller BL, Lengus B, Lewis L et al..  1999.  Species conservation assessment and strategy for Townsend's big-eared bat (Corynorhinus townsendii townsendii and Corynorhinus townsendii pallescens).    Available from
Lehman RN, Carpenter L.B, Steenhof K, Kochert MN.  1998.  Assessing relative abundance and reproductive success of shrubsteppe raptors.  Journal of Field Ornithology.  69(2):244-256.
Taylor E., Klott J., Smith R.B.  1998.  California bighorn sheep habitat evaluation: Jarbidge and Bruneau rivers, Owyhee County, Idaho.  
Terra-Berns M, Call P, Harris C, Klott J, Lewis L, Vullo C, Wright G.  1998.  Canada lynx in Idaho: past, present, and future. Idaho Conservation Effort, Draft.  
Brett R.B, Klinka K., Qian H..  1998.  Classification of high-elevation, non-forested plant communities in costal British Columbia.  
Kunin W.E.  1998.  Extrapolating species abundance across spatial scales.  Science.  281:13-1515.
Knutson M.G, Klaas E.E.  1998.  Floodplain forest loss and changes in forest community composition and structure in the Upper Mississippi River: a wildlife habitat at risk.  Natural Areas Journal.  18(2):138-150.
Knutson M.G, Klaas E.E.  1998.  Floodplain forest loss and changes in forest community composition and structure in the Upper Mississippi River: a wildlife habitat at risk.  Natural Areas Journal.  18(2):138-150.
Demboski J.R, Cook J.A, Kirkland, Jr. G.L.  1998.  Glaucomys sabrinus (Shaw 1801): northern flying squirrel.
Klemmedson JO, Tiedemann AR.  1998.  Lithosequence of soils and associated vegetation on subalpine range of the Wasatch Plateau, Utah.  Research Note.  
Katzner TE, Parker KL.  1998.  Long-distance movements from established burrow sites by pygmy rabbits (Brachylagus idahoensis) in southwestern Wyoming.  Northwestern Naturalist.  79(2):72-74.  Available from