Bibliography and Citations

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Hatch MH.  1957.  The beetles of the Pacific Northwest. Part II: Staphyliniformia. University of Washington Publications in Biology.  16.  Sanderson MW, Marsh GA, editors. Seattle (WA): University of Washington Press.    Available from
Hawley V.D, Newby F.E.  1957.  Marten home ranges and population fluctuations.  Journal of Mammalogy.  38:174-184.
Holmgren R.C, Basile J.V.  1957.  Range revegetation and deer on the Payette.  
Basile J.V, Holmgren R.C.  1957.  Seeding depth trials with bitterbrush (Purshia tridentata) in Idaho.  
Hansen R.W, Madsen K.J.  1957.  Vegetation changes of a Danish mire 1957-1981.  Nordic Journal of Botany.  4(4):481-490.
Hatch MH.  1953.  The beetles of the Pacific Northwest. Part I: Introduction and Adephaga. University of Washington Publications in Biology.  16.  Seattle (WA): University of Washington Press.    Available from
Yocom C., Harris S..  1953.  Food habits of mountain quail (Oreortyx picta) in eastern Washington.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  17:204-207.
Yocum CF, Harris SW.  1953.  Food habits of mountain quail (Oreortyx picta) in eastern Washington.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  17(2):204-207.