Bibliography and Citations

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Henderson D.M.  0.  Checklist of the vascular plants of the Mt. Borah Region.  
Flint PL, Schamber JL, Trust KA, A. Miles K, Henderson JD, Wilson BW.  2012.  Chronic hydrocarbon exposure of harlequin ducks in areas affected by the Selendang Ayu oil spill at Unalaska Island, Alaska.  Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry.  31(12):2828–2831.  Available from
Lewinsky-Haapasaari J., Hedenas L..  1998.  A cladistic analysis of the moss genus Orthotrichum.  Bryologist.  101(4):519-555.
Hansen P.L., Pfister R.D., Boggs K., Cook B.J., Joy J., Hinckley. D.K..  1995.  Classification and Management of Montana's Riparian and Wetland Sites.  
Hansen P.L., Pfister R.D., Boggs K., Cook B.J., Joy J., Hinckley. D.K..  1995.  Classification and Management of Montana's Riparian and Wetland Sites.  
Boggs K., Hansen P., Pfister R., Joy J..  1990.  Classification and management of riparian and wetland sites in northwestern Montana.
Urbanczyk SM, Henderson DM.  1994.  Classification and ordination of alpine plant communities, Sheep Mountain, Lemhi County, Idaho.  Madroño.  41:pp.205-223.
Huschle G., Hironaka M..  1980.  Classification and ordination of seral plant communities.  Journal of Range Management.  33:179-182.
Huschle G., Hironaka M..  1980.  Classification and ordination of seral plant communities.  Journal of Range Management.  33:179-182.
Richardson CA, Henderson DM.  1999.  Classification and ordination of the alpine plant communities of Railroad Ridge, White Cloud Peaks, Idaho.  Great Basin Naturalist.  59:63-78.
Morton JL, Bayless R, Connerley E, Ekins JP, Elvidge JA, Hartman JH, Holzer KK, Reynolds RJ, Larson ER.  2023.  Classroom citizen scientists discover red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii (Girard, 1852) from northern Idaho, United States.  BioInvasions Records .  12
Morton JL, Bayless R, Connerley E, Ekins JP, Elvidge JA, Hartman JH, Holzer KK, Reynolds RJ, Larson ER.  2023.  Classroom citizen scientists discover red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii (Girard, 1852) from northern Idaho, United States.  BioInvasions Records .  12
Dale VH, Joyce LA, McNulty S, Neilson RP, Ayres MP, Flannigan MD, Hanson PJ, Irland LC, Lugo AE, Peterson CJ et al..  2001.  Climate change and forest disturbances.  BioScience.  51(9):723-734.  Available from
Polgar CA, Primack RB, Williams EH, Stichter S, Hitchcock C.  2013.  Climate effects on the flight period of Lycaenid butterflies in Massachusetts.  Biological Conservation.  160:25-31.
Lezberg A.L, Halpern C.B, Antos J.A.  2001.  Clonal development of Maianthemum dilatatum in forests of differing age and structure.  Canadian Journal of Botany.  79:1028.
Custer T.W, Hensler G.L, Kaiser T.E.  1983.  Clutch size, reproductive success, and organochlorine contaminants in Atlantic coast black-crowned night herons.  Auk.  100:699-710.
Isaak DJ, Young MK, Nagel DE, Horan DL, Groce MC.  2015.  The cold-water climate shield: delineating refugia for preserving salmonid fishes through the 21st century.  Global Change Biology.  21(7):2540–2553.
Hatch M.H.  1938.  Coleoptera of Washington: Carabidae: Cidindelinae.  University of Washington Publications in Biology.  1(5):225-240.
Avery M.L., Decker D.G., Humphrey J.S., Hayes A.A., Laukert C.C..  1995.  Color, size, and location of artificial fruits affect sucrose avoidance by Cedar Waxwings and European Starlings.  Auk.  112(2):436-444.
Avery M.L., Decker D.G., Humphrey J.S., Hayes A.A., Laukert C.C..  1995.  Color, size, and location of artificial fruits affect sucrose avoidance by Cedar Waxwings and European Starlings.  Auk.  112(2):436-444.
Lohr K, Haak B.  2010.  Columbia spotted frog Great Basin population (Owyhee subpopulation) long-term monitoring plan: year 2010 results.  Threatened and Endangered Species Project, E-26-7 final and E-26-8 interim, Section 6, Endangered Species Act.  
Patla DA, Keinath D.  2005.  Columbia spotted frog (Rana luteiventris formerly R. pretiosa): a technical conservation assessment.  Species Conservation Project, USFS Region 2.    Available from
Hoffman RW, Thomas AE.  2007.  Columbian sharp-tailed grouse (Tympanuchus phasianellus columbianus): a technical conservation assessment.  Prepared for the U. S. Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Region, Species Conservation Project.    Available from
Hotchkiss N..  1970.  Common marsh plants of the United States and Canada.  
McCune B, Hutten M.  2018.  Common Mosses of Western Oregon and Washington. Corvallis (Oregon): Wild Blueberry Media.