Bibliography and Citations

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Conference Proceedings
Pope M., Heekin P.E.  1997.  How disturbance may influence mountain quail distributions in the Pacific Northwest.
Hahn L..  2007.  Idaho rare plant conference conservation working group session, February 14, 2007: Salmon twin bladderpod (Physaria didymocarpa var. lyrata).
Bourgeron P., Jensen M., Engelking L., Everett R., Humphries H..  1995.  Landscape ecology, conservation biology, and principles of ecosystem management.
Herbert J..  1990.  Letter of May 8 to Rocky Mountain Population Trumpeter Swan Subcommittee and Working Group regarding minutes from the May 8, 1990, meeting in Boise.
Bechard M.J, Hague K.D.  1985.  Nesting distribution of the ferruginous hawk in southern Idaho.
Allen E.B, Allen M.F, Helm D.J, Trappe J.M, Molina R., Rincon E..  1995.  Patterns and regulation of mycorrhizal plant and fungal diversity.
Knecht D., Harrod R.J.  1996.  Population trends and habitat characteristics of Cypripedium fasciculatum in the Cascade Range, Abstract.
Fiedler C.E, Arno S.F, Harrington M.G.  1998.  Reintroducing fire in ponderosa pine-fir forests after a century of fire exclusion. Fire in ecosystem management: shifting the paradigm from suppression to prescription. No. 20.  
Sondenaa A.C, Henderson D.M.  1996.  Reproductive biology, pollination, and floral rewards in the rare Douglasia idahoensis (Primulaceae).
R. Johnson R, Ziebell CD, Patton DR, Ffolliott PF, Hamre R.H.  1985.  Riparian ecosystems and their management: reconciling conflicting uses. Edition 2nd printing.  First North American Riparian Conference; 1985 April 16–18.  Tucson (AZ): U. S. Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station.    Available from
Houston K.E, Fosberg M.A, Nieman K.E, Ford G..  1989.  Soil-habitat typ relationships in the Trout Creek drainage, Boundary County, Idaho.
Howard R..  2002.  Southern Idaho ground squirrel meeting notes.
Herron G.B.  1985.  Status of the ferruginous hawk (Buteo regalis) in Nevada.
Hurst G.A, Davidson W.R, Davos T., Kozicky E.L, Peoples A.D.  1993.  Strategic plan for quail management and research in the United States: issues and strategies–releases of pen-raised quail.
Kuvlesky W.P, Leopold B.D, Curtis P.D, Roseberry J.L, Hutton T..  1993.  Strategic plan for quail management and research in the United States: issues and strategies–population dynamics and effects of hunting.
Cholewa A.F, Henderson D.M.  1983.  A survey and assessment of the rare vascular plants of the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory site. In 56th annual meeting of the Northwest Scientific Association, Abstracts. 56th annual meeting of the Northwest Scientific Association, March 24-26.  Olympic (WA)
Journal Article
Harniss R.O, Murray R.B.  1973.  30 years of vegetal change following burning of sagebrush-grass range.  Journal of Range Management.  26(5):322-325.