Bibliography and Citations

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Journal Article
Hershler R..  1999.  A systematic review of the Hydrobiid snails (Gastropoda: Rissooidea) of the Great Basin, Western United States. Part II. Genera Colligyrus, Eremopyrgus, Fluminicola, Pristinicola, and Tyronia.  Veliger.  42:306-337.
Hershler R..  0.  A systematic review of the hydrobiid snails of the Great Basin, western United States. Part II. Genera Pristinicola, Colligyrus, and Tryonia.  Veliger.  
Dragoo J.W, Honeycutt R.L.  1997.  Systematics of mustelid-like carnivores.  Journal of Mammalogy.  78:426-443.
Wang D, Holsinger JR.  2001.  Systematics of the subterranean amphipod genus Stygobromus (Crangonyctidae) in western North America, with emphasis on the hubbsi group.  Amphipacifica.  3(2):39-147.
Hodge D..  1999.  The tarantula's tiny cousin.  ndangered Species Bulletin.  24(3):6-7.
Liu H-P, Walsh J, Hershler R.  2013.  Taxonomic clarification and phylogeography of Fluminicola coloradensis Morrison, a widely ranging western North American pebblesnail.  Monographs of the Western North American Naturalist.  6(1):87-110.  Available from
Zhang G, Hart ER, Weirauch C.  2016.  A taxonomic monograph of the assassin bug genus Zelus Fabricius (Hemiptera: Reduviidae): 71 species based on 10,000 specimens.  Biodiversity Data Journal.  4(e8150):356.
Hershler R, Liu H-P.  2004.  Taxonomic reappraisal of species assigned to the North American freshwater gastropod subgenus Natricola (Rissooidea: Hydrobiidae).  Veliger.  47(1):66-81.  Available from
Bellinger M.R, Haig S.M, Forsman E.D, Mullins T.D.  2005.  Taxonomic relationships among Phenacomys voles as inferred by cytochrome b.  Journal of Mammalogy.  86:201-210.
Liu H-P, Hershler R, Rossel CS.  2015.  Taxonomic status of the Columbia duskysnail (Truncatelloidea, Amnicolidae, Colligyrus).  ZooKeys.  514:1-13.  Available from
Headrick DH, Goeden RD, Teerink JA.  1997.  Taxonomy of Aciurina trixa Curran (Diptera: Tephritidae) and its life history on Chrysothamnus nauseosus (Pallas) Britton in southern California; with notes on A. bigeloviae (Cockerell).  Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington.  99(3):415-428.  Available from
Knick ST, Dobkin DS, Rotenberry JT, Schroeder MA, W. Haegen MVander, van Riper, III C.  2003.  Teetering on the edge or too late? Conservation and research issues for avifauna of sagebrush habitats Condor.  105(4):611-634.  Available from
Marra PP, Sherry TW, Holmes RT.  Submitted.  Territorial exclusion by a long-distance migrant warbler in Jamaica: a removal experiment with American Redstarts (Setophaga ruticilla). In press.  Auk.  110(3):565-572.
Marra P.P, Sherry T.W, Holmes R.T.  1993.  Territorial exclusion by a neotropical migrant bird in winter: a removal experiment with American Redstarts (SETOPHAGA RUTICILLA) in Jamaica.  Auk.  110:565-572.
Hill J., Lein M.R.  1989.  Territory overlap and habitat use of sympatric chickadees.  Auk.  106:259-268.
Hull, Jr. A.C, Klomp. G.J.  1967.  Thickening and spread of crested wheatgrass stands on southern Idaho ranges.  Journal of Range Management.  20(4):222-227.
Thaeler C.S, Hinesley L.L.  Submitted.  THOMOMYS CLUSIUS, a rediscovered species of pocket gopher.  Journal of Mammalogy.  60:480-.
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LaBonte JR, Scott DW, McIver JD, Hayes JL.  2001.  Threatened, endangered, and sensitive insects in eastern Oregon and Washington forests and adjacent lands.  Northwest Science.  75(Special):185-198.  Available from
Poff B, Koestner KA, Neary DG, Henderson V.  2011.  Threats to riparian ecosystems in western North America: an analysis of existing literature.  Journal of the American Water Resources Association.  47(6):1241-1254.  Available from
Chong JPin, Box JCBrim, Howard JK, Wolf D, Myers TL, Mock KE.  2008.  Three deeply divided lineages of the freshwater mussel genus Anodonta in western North America.  Conservation Genetics.  9(5):1303-1309.  Available from
Holmgren NH, Holmgren A.H.  1974.  Three new species from the Great Basin.  Brittonia.  26:309-315.
Holmgren NH, Holmgren A.H.  1974.  Three new species from the Great Basin.  Brittonia.  26:309-315.
Richart CH, Hedin M.  2013.  Three new species in the harvestmen genus Acuclavella (Opiliones, Dyspnoi, Ischyropsalidoidea), including description of male Acuclavella quattuor Shear, 1986.  ZooKeys.  311:19–68.
Pike L.H, Hale, Jr. M.E.  1982.  Three new species of Hypogymnia from western North America (Lichenes Hypogymniaceae).  Mycotaxon.  16(1):157-161.