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Howe W.H.  1975.  The butterflies of North America.
Howell J.T.  1947.  Studies in Carex - II.  Leaflets of Western Botany.  2(2):36-40.
Howell A.B.  1917.  Condition of game birds in east-central California.  Condor.  19(6):186-187.  Available from
Howell D.J.  0.  Wildife biologists considering winter surveys for bats.  
Howell J.T.  1945.  Studies in Carex - I.  Leaflets of Western Botany.  4(8):206-208.
Howell J.T.  1945.  Some noteworthy Californian plant collections.  Leaflets of Western Botany.  4(6):168-170.
Howell J.T.  1971.  A new name for "winter fat".  Wasmann Journal of Biology.  29(1):105.
Hoy J.A, Elliott. J.C.  2003.  Mosses of semiarid steppes, Bitterroot Valley, Ravalli County, Montana.  Evansia.  20(2):55-58.
Hoyt J.SY.  1944.  Preliminary notes on the development of nestling pileated woodpeckers.  Auk.  61:376-384.
Huberman M.A.  1935.  The role of Western white pine in forest succession in northern Idaho.  Ecology.  16(2):137-151.
Hudak H..  1992.  Biological evaluation for sensitive plants, Howell Canyon Road Improvement Environmental Assessment, Burley Ranger District, Sawtooth National Forest, Cassia County, Idaho.  
Huddleston L., Crawford E..  2003.  Rare Animal Observation Report, Pygmy Rabbit.  
Hudson GE, Zansillotti PJ, Edwards GD.  1959.  Muscles of the pelvic limb in galliform birds.  American Midland Naturalist.  61(1):1-67.
Hudson GE, Parker RIA, Berge JVanden, Lanzillotti PJ.  1966.  A numerical analysis of the modifications of the appendicular muscles in various genera of gallinaceous birds.  American Midland Naturalist.  76(1):1-72.
Huenneke L.F, Thompson. J.K.  1995.  Potential interference between a threatened endemic thistle and an invasive nonnative plant.  Conservation Biology.  9(2):416-425.
Hughes L.E.  1987.  Endangered species - something real, something phanthom.  Rangelands.  9(2):67-69.
Hughes GM.  2016.  U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Species Status Assessment (SSA) for whitebark pine.  
Hughes R.M, Noss. R.F.  1992.  Biological diversity and biological integrity: current concerns for lakes and streams.  Fisheries.  17(3):11-17.
Hughes JM.  2015.  Yellow-billed cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus).  Birds of North America Online.  (418)  Available from
Hughes JM, Mather PB, Sheldon AL, Allendorf FW.  1999.  Genetic structure of the stonefly, Yoraperla brevis, populations: the extent of gene flow among adjacent montane streams.  Freshwater Biology.  41(1):63-72.
Hugie V.K, Passey H.B, Williams E.W.  1964.  Soil taxonomic units and potential plant community relationships in a pristine range area of southern Idaho.  American Society of Agronomy Special Publication.  5:190-204.
Huheey J.E, Brandon RA.  1973.  Rock-face populations of the mountain salamander, Desmognathus ochrophaeus, in North Carolina.  Ecological Monographs.  43(1):59-76.
Hulbert LC.  1955.  Ecological studies of Bromus tectorum and other annual bromegrasses.  Ecological Monographs.  25(2):181-213.  Available from
Hull A.C, Hull M.K.  1974.  Presettlement vegetation of Cache Valley, Utah and Idaho.  Journal of Range Management.  27:27-29.
Hull, Jr. A.C, Klomp. G.J.  1966.  Longevity of crested wheatgrass in the sagebrush-grass type in southern Idaho.  Journal of Range Management.  19(1):5-11.