Bibliography and Citations

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Hoover J.P, Brittingham M.C, Goodrich L.J.  1995.  Effects of forest patch size on nesting success of wood thrushes.  Auk.  112:146-155.
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Whitson TD, Majerus ME, Hall RD, Jenkins JD.  1997.  Effects of herbicides on grass seed production and downy brome (Bromus tectorum).  Weed Technology.  11(4):644-648.  Available from
Henson P., Grant. T.A.  1991.  The effects of human disturbance on trumpeter swan breeding behavior.  Wildlife Society Bulletin.  19(3):248-257.
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Hoiland W.K, Rabe F.W.  1992.  Effects of increasing zinc levels and habitat degradation of macroinvertebrate communities in three north Idaho streams.  Journal of Freshwater Ecology.  7(4):373-380.
Howard R.P, Munger J.C.  2003.  Effects of livestock grazing on the invertebrate prey base and on the survival and growth of larvae of the columbia spotted frog, Rana luteiventris.  
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Howe F.P.  1992.  Effects of Protocalliphora braueri (Diptera: Calliphoridae) parasitism and inclement weather on nestling sage thrashers.   Journal of Wildlife Disease.  28:141-143.
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Hejl S.J, Hutto R.L, Preston C.R, Finch D.M.  1995.  Effects of silvicultural treatments in the Rocky Mountains.  
Hejl S.J, Hutto R.L, Preston C.R, Finch D.M.  1995.  Effects of silvicultural treatments in the Rocky Mountains.  
Hutto R.L, Hejl S.J, Preston C.R, Finch D.M.  1993.  Effects of silvicultural treatments on forest birds in the Rocky Mountains: implications and management recommendations.  
Hutto R.L, Hejl S.J, Preston C.R, Finch D.M.  1993.  Effects of silvicultural treatments on forest birds in the Rocky Mountains: implications and management recommendations.  
Hamlet AF, Mote PW, Clark MP, Lettenmaier DP.  2005.  Effects of temperature and precipitation variability on snowpack trends in the western United States.  Journal of Climate.  18(21):4545-4561.  Available from
Burger J., Howe M.A., Hahn D.C., Chase J..  1977.  Effects of tidal cycles on habitat selection and habitat partitioning by migrant shorebirds.  Auk.  94:743-758.
Burger J., Howe M.A., Hahn D.C., Chase J..  1977.  Effects of tidal cycles on habitat selection and habitat partitioning by migrant shorebirds.  Auk.  94:743-758.
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Beauvais G.P, Keinath D.A, Hernandez P., Master L., Thurston R..  2004.  Element distribution modeling: a primer, or, Musings upon depicting the geographic arrangement of biota, with ample reference to the harsh lessons of the dark master experience.  
Hall S.P, Legrand, Jr. H.E.  1988.  Element stewardship abstract for Accipiter cooperii (Cooper's hawk).  
Hall S.P, Legrand, Jr. H.E.  1988.  Element stewardship abstract for Accipiter striatus (sharp-shinned hawk).