Bibliography and Citations

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N. Atwood D, Welsh SL.  2007.  New taxa of Camissonia (Onagraceae); Erigeron, Hymenoxys, and Tetradymia (Compositae); Lepidium and Physaria (Cruciferae) from Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah.  Rhodora.  109(940):395-414.  Available from
Atwood D..  1996.  Inventory for Least phacelia (Phacelia minutissima): a Bureau of Land Management Special Status Plant.  
Atwood D..  1979.  Management programs for plants on federal lands.  Great Basin Naturalist.  No. 3:81-85.
Atwood D., Charlesworth N..  1987.  Status report for Saxifraga bryophora var. tobiasiae.  
Atwood D..  1983.  Status report for Cymopterus douglassii.  
Atwood D..  1980.  Status report on Antennaria arcuata.  
Atwood D., Charlesworth N..  1987.  Status report for Allotropa virgata.  
Atwood D., Charlesworth N..  1987.  Status report on Saxifraga cernua L.  
Atwood D., Charlesworth N..  1987.  Status report for Agoseris lackschewitzii.  
Atwood D., Charlesworth N..  1987.  Status report for Astragalus amblytropis.  
Atwood D..  1988.  Status report for Musineon lineare (Rydb.) Mathias.  
Atwood D..  1989.  Endangered, Threatened and Sensitive Plant Forms for field work done summer, 1989.  
Atwood D., Charlesworth N..  1987.  Status report for Calamagrostis tweedyi.  
Atwood D., Charlesworth N..  1987.  Status report for Saxifraga adscendens var. oregonensis.  
Atwood D., Charlesworth N..  1987.  Status report for Allium tolmiei var. persimile.  
Atwood D., Holland J., Bolander R..  1991.  Utah - Endangered, threatened and sensitive plant field guide.
Atwood D., Charlesworth N..  1987.  Status report for Penstemon elegantulus.  
Atwood D., Charlesworth N..  1987.  Status report for Douglasia idahoensis.  
Atwood D..  1983.  Status report for Haplopappus insecticruris.  
Atwood D., Charlesworth N..  1987.  Status report for Salix farriea.  
Atwood D..  1987.  Status report for Allium madidum.  
Atwood D., DeBolt A..  2000.  Field guide to the special status plants of the Bureau of Land Management Lower Snake River District.  
Atwood D..  0.  Draft Management Plan for Thelypodium repandum (wavy-leaf Thelypodium).  
Atwood D., Charlesworth N..  1987.  Status report for Astragalus aquilonius.  
Aubry KB.  2000.  Amphibians in managed, second-growth Douglas-fir forests.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  64(4):1041-1052.  Available from