Bibliography and Citations

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Wilson, Jr. A.G.  1991.  A survey of the Avery Ranger District, Panhandle National Forest, for the Coeur d'Alene salamander (Plethodon idahoensis).  
Wilson, Jr. A.G, Simon E., Larsen, Jr. J.H.  1989.  Range extension for the Coeur d'Alene salamander, Plethodon vandykei idahoensis, to the Canada-United States border.  Canadian Field-Naturalist.  103(1):93-94.
Wilson TL, Howe FP, Edwards, Jr. TC.  2011.  Effects of sagebrush treatments on multi-scale resource selection by pygmy rabbits.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  72(2):393-398.
Wilson, Jr. A.G.  1993.  Biogeographic and morphometric analyses of the Plethodon vandykei species group.  :124pp..
Wilson A.G.  1985.  Plethodon vandykei idahoensis (Coeur d'Alene Salamander). Predation.  Herp Review.  16(4)
Wilson L..  1990.  Rare plant species observation report form for Lepidium davisii on the Boise District BLM.  
Wilson n, Hipkins V.D.  2001.  Genetic differentiation in a rare plant with disjunct range: Lewisia kelloggii. National Forest Genetic Electrophoresis Laboratory, Final Report.  
Wilson A..  1997.  Memo and list of museum specimens of Plethodon idahoensis. Personal correspondence to the Idaho Conservation Data Center.  
Wilson A..  1985.  The kit fox (Vulpes macrotis nevadensis) in Idaho: a proposal to investigate its status and distribution (Phase I) and to reintroduce it to former parts of its range (Phase II).  
Wilson n, Larson J.H.  1988.  Activity and diet in seepage-dwelling Coeur d'Alene salamanders (Plethodon vandykei idahoensis).  Northwest Science.  65(2):211-217.
Wilson B.L., Brainerd R., Huso M., Kuykendall K., Lytjen D., Newhouse B., Otting N., Sundberg S., Zika P..  1999.  Native Plant Society of Oregon.  Native Plant Society of Oregon.  Occasional Paper No. 1:29pp..
Wind I.North.  2004.  Pygmy rabbit survey of the Crooked Creek, Medicine Lodge, and Sand Creek desert areas.  
Winker K., Rappole J.H.  1988.  The relationship between HYLOCICHLA and CATHARUS (Turdinae).  Auk.  105:392-394.
Winkler K..  1994.  Divergence in the mitochondrial DNA of EMPIDONAX TRAILLII and E. ALNORUM, with notes on hybridization.  Auk.  111:710-713.
Winkler P..  1979.  Thermal preference of GAMBUSIA AFFINIS AFFINIS as determined under field and laboratory conditions.  Copeia.  1979:60-64.
Winner C..  1995.  Rare Beauty.  Wyoming Wildlife.  :24-29.
Winslow M..  1920.  Notes on Oreohelix idahoensis baileyi Bartsch.  Museum of Zoology Occasional Papers.  No. 79:4pp..
Winter L.  2006.  Impacts of feral and free-ranging cats on bird species of conservation concern: a five-state review of New York, New Jersey, Florida, California, and Hawaii.    Available from
Winter B.M, Best L.B.  1985.  Effect of prescribed burning on placement of sage sparrow nests.  Condor.  87(2):294-295.  Available from
Winter J..  1986.  Status, distribution, and ecology of the Great Gray Owl (Strix nebulosa) in California.  :121pp..
Winton R, Demaray A, Mastrofini M.  2017.  Shoshone Field Office Pygmy Rabbit Surveys 2017 Final Report.  
Winton RC, Kippenhan MG, Ivie MA.  2010.  New state record for Cicindela arenicola Rumpp (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Cicindelinae) in southwestern Montana.  Coleopterists Bulletin.  64(1):43-44.
Winward A..  2007.  Information on Ericameria winwardii, Winward's goldenbush (draft).  
Winward A.H, Tisdale. E.W.  1977.  Taxonomy of the Artemisia tridentata complex in Idaho.  
Winward ÁH.  2000.  Monitoring the Vegetation Reources in Riparian Areas. General Technical Report RMRS-GTR.  Ogden (UT): USDA, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station.