Bibliography and Citations

Found 11964 results
Weber N.S.  1994.  Pezizales (Eumycota, Ascomycotina) of the portion of the Columbia River Basin in the United States.  
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Weddell BJ, Lichthardt J.  1998.  Identification of conservation priorities for and threats to Palouse grassland and canyon grassland remnants in Idaho, Washington, and Oregon.    Available from
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Weddell BJ.  2005.  Peatlands: potential National Natural Landmarks in the northern Rocky Mountains.  
Weddell B.J.  2001.  Changing perspectives in nineteenth century written descriptions of Palouse and canyon grasslands.  
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Wehausen J.D, Ramey, II R.R.  Submitted.  Cranial morphometric and evolutionary relationships in the northern range of OVIS CANADENSIS.  Journal of Mammalogy.  81:145-161.
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Weigl PD.  2007.  The northern flying squirrel (Glaucomys sabrinus): a conservation challenge.  Journal of Mammalogy.  88(4):897–907.
Weiler J.H.  1962.  A new species of Downingia.  Madrono.  16:256-258.
Weinmann F., Boule M., Brunner K., Malek J., Yoshino V..  1984.  Wetland plants of the Pacific Northwest.  
Weiss NT, Verts B.J.  1984.  Habitat and distribution of pygmy rabbits (Sylvilagus idahoensis) in Oregon.  Great Basin Naturalist.  44(4):563-571.  Available from
Weitzel nH, Panik H.R.  1993.  Long-term fluctuations of an isolated population of the Pacific chorus frog (Psdeudacris regilla) in northwestern Nevada.  Great Basin Naturalist.  53(4):379-384.
Weixelman D., Atwood D..  0.  Toiyabe National Forest sensitive plants field guide.