Bibliography and Citations

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Arnold S.M.  1973.  Interactions of light and temperature on the germination of Plantago maritima L.  Phytologia.  72:583-593.
Arno S.F, Gruell G.E.  1986.  Douglas-fir encroachment into mountain grasslands in southwestern Montana.  Journal of Range Management.  9(3):272-276.
Arno S.F, Davis D.H.  1980.  Fire history of western redcedar/hemlock forests in northern Idaho.  
Arno S.F.  1986.  Whitebark pine cone crops–a diminishing source of wildlife food? Western Journal of Applied Forestry.  1(3):92-94.
Arno S.F, Simmerman D.G, Keane R.E.  1986.  Characterizing succession within a forest habitat type - an approach designed for resource managers.  
Arno S.F.  1980.  Forest fire history in the northern Rockies.  Journal of Forestry.  78:460-465.
Arno S.F, Weaver T..  1990.  Whitebark pine community types and their patterns on the landscape. INT-270.  
Arno S.F.  1979.  Forest regions of Montana.  
Arno S., Wellner C., D. Henderson HD., Johnson J..  1998.  Species list for Salmon Mountain Research Natural Area, Bitterroot National Forest, Idaho County, Idaho.  
Arno S.F, Gruell. G.E.  1983.  Fire history at the forest-grassland ecotone in southwestern Montana.  Journal of Range Management.  36(3):332-336.
Arno S.F, Simmerman D.G, Keane R.E.  1985.  Forest succession on four habitat types in western Montana.  
Arno S.F, Wilson. A.E.  1986.  Dating past fires in curl-leaf mountain mahogany communities.  Journal of Range Management.  39(3):241-243.
Arno S.F, Habeck. J.R.  1972.  Ecology of alpine larch (Larix lyallii Parl.) in the Pacific Northwest.  Ecological Monographs.  42:417-450.
Arno S.F.  1985.  Ecological effects and management implications of Indian fires. INT-182.  
Arno S.F, Reinhardt E.D, Scott J.H.  1993.  Forest structure and landscape patterns in the subalpine lodgepole pine type: a procedure for quantifying past and present conditions.  
Arno S.F, Hoff. R.J.  1989.  Silvics of whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis).  
Arno SF, Scott JH, Hartwell MG.  1995.  Age-class structure of old growth ponderosa pine/Douglas-fir stands and its relationship to fire history.    Available from
Arnett EB, W. Brown K, Erickson WP, Fiedler JK, Hamilton BL, Henry TH, Jain A, Johnson GD, Kerns J, Koford RR et al..  2008.  Patterns of bat fatalities at wind energy facilities in North America.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  72(1):61-78.  Available from
Arnett E.B, Haufler. J.B.  2003.  A customer-based framework for funding priority research on bats and their habitats.  Wildlife Society Bulletin.  31(1):98-103.
Arnett EB, Huso MMP, Schirmacher MR, Hayes JP.  2011.  Altering turbine speed reduces bat mortality at wind-energy facilities.  Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.  9(4):209–214.  Available from,
Arnaud, Jr. PH.  1978.  A host-parasite catalog of North American Tachinidae (Diptera). Miscellaneous Publication No. 1319.  Hyattsville (MD): USDA Science and Education Administration (SEA).    Available from
Armstrong J.D.  1969.  Vegetation of the Virgin Mountains, Clark County, Nevada.  
Armstrong J..  1999.  Spiranthes diluvialis EORs for Colorado.  
Armstrong R.L.  1968.  Mantled gneiss domes in the Albion Range, southern Idaho.  Geological Society of America Bulletin.  79:1295-1314.
Armstrong K..  2001.  Proposal to remove Mimulus patulus from the State list of threatened species.