Bibliography and Citations

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Lesica P..  1987.  Location data for Astragalus aquilonius .016 and .017.  
Lesica P..  1993.  Loss of fitness resulting from pollinator exclusion in Silene spaldingii (Caryophyllaceae).  Madrono.  40(4):193-201.
Lesica P., Hanna. D.  2002.  Monitoring composition of foothills grassland using frequency of indicator species.  Natural Areas Journal.  22:143-148.
Lesica P..  1988.  Monitoring Silene spaldingii on Dancing Prarie Preserve: 1988 progress report.  
Lesica P..  1988.  Monitoring Silene spaldingii on Wild Horse Island: 1988 progress report.  
Lesica P., Elliott J.C.  1987.  Monitoring study of bitterroot milkvetch in Lemhi County, Idaho.  
Lesica P., Desanto J..  1993.  New vascular plant records and the increase of exotic plants in Glacier National Park, Montana.  Madrono.  40(2):126-131.
Lesica P., Heidel B..  1996.  Pollination biology of Silene spaldingii.  
Lesica P..  1988.  A preliminary study of the pollination biology of Spalding's Catchfly in the Tobacco Valley, Lincoln County, Montana.  
Lesica P., Steele B.M.  1994.  Prolonged dormancy in vascular plants and implications for monitoring studies.  Natural Areas Journal.  14:209-212.
Lesica P..  1985.  Report on the conservation status of Arabis fecunda, a potential candidate species.  
Lesica P..  1984.  Report on the Conservation Status of Astragalus scaphoides, a Candidate Threatened Species.  
Lesica P., Shelly J.S.  1991.  Sensitive, threatened and endangered vascular plants of Montana.  
Lesica P..  1997.  Spread of Phalaris arundinacea adversely impacts the endangered plant Howellia aquatilis.  Great Basin Naturalist.  57(4):366-368.
Lesica P., Steele B.M.  1997.  Use of permanent plots in monitoring plant populations.  Natural Areas Journal.  17(4):331-340.
Lesica P..  1983.  Vascular plant species of limited distribution in Montana known to occur in the Centennial Valley, Montana.  
Lesica P., Moore G., Peterson K.M, Rumely J.H.  1984.  Vascular plants of limited distribution in Montana.  
Lesica P., Allendorf F.W.  1995.  When are peripheral populations viable for conservation? Conservation Biology.  9(4):753-760.