Bibliography and Citations

Found 11964 results
Tank SL, Sidle WB.  1986.  Habitat relationships of wintering passerines in the River of No Return Wilderness area of central Idaho.  Northwest Science.  60(4):238-242.  Available from
Tanner VM.  1961.  A check-list of the species of Eleodes and descriptions of new species (Coleoptera-Tenebrionidae).  Great Basin Naturalist.  21(3):55-78.  Available from
Tanner W.W.  1978.  Zoogeography of reptiles and amphibians in the Intermountain Region.  Great Basin Naturalist Memoirs.  2:43-53.
Tanner WW.  1984.  Reptiles and amphibians of Idaho, no. 2.  Great Basin Naturalist.  44(1):111-112.  Available from
Tanner W.W.  1941.  The reptiles and amphibians of Idaho, no. 1.  Great Basin Naturalist.  :87-97.
Tans W.E, Read R.H.  1975.  Recent Wisconsin records for some interesting vascular plants in the western Great Lakes region.  Michigan Botanist.  14(3):131-143.
Tappeiner J., Zasada J., Ryan P., Newton M..  1991.  Salmonberry clonal and population structure: the basis for a persistent cover.  Ecology.  72(2):609-618.
Targhee National Forest.  0.  Owl CDC forms (reports)–Palisades Ranger District, CD.  
Targhee National Forest.  1993.  Computer printout generated by the Targhee National Forest listing wildlife observations of threatened, endangered, sensitive, and indicator species.  
Targhee National Forest.  1993.  Computer printout generated by the Targhee National Forest listing great gray owl sightings and nests.  
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Tarifa T, Yensen E.  2004.  Analysis of southern Idaho ground squirrel diets: How important is remnant native flora? Annual report, 2002
Tart D.  2013.  Pinus albicaulis plot data received from Region 4 - dataset 2.  :346records.
Tart D.  2013.  Pinus albicaulis plot data received from Region 4 - dataset 1.  :733records.
Tart D, Kinter L, Strickland J.  2017.  Personal Communication with David Tart regarding whitebark pine data sets provided in 2013.  
Tate, Jr. J.  1986.  The blue list for 1986.  American Birds.  40(2):227-235.  Available from
Tate, Jr. J, Tate D.J.  1982.  The blue list for 1982.  American Birds.  36(2):126-135.  Available from
Taye A.C.  1995.  Alpine vascular flora of the Tushar Mountains, Utah.  Great Basin Naturalist.  55(3):225-236.
Taylor J..  2000.  Panhandle loon and wetlands project: Idaho report to the North American Loon Fund October 2000.  
Taylor J, Dixon R, Buchler E.  2014.  Bats at Ball Creek Ranch [memos].  
Taylor D.W.  1982.  Distribution of characteristic stream-dwelling species of freshwater mollusks in Snake River of southwestern Idaho.  
Taylor DM.  1986.  Effects of cattle grazing on passerine birds nesting in riparian habitat.  Journal of Range Management.  39(3):254-258.  Available from
Taylor TA, Thomas B.  2022.  Ute Ladies’-tresses 2021 Survey Technical Memorandum.  
Taylor D.W, Miller J.M, Moseley R.K.  1990.  Endangered plant survey for the PGT-PGE& E pipeline expansion project, Idaho, Washington, Oregon and California.  
Taylor J.L.  2004.  Nassella viridula.