Bibliography and Citations

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Anonymous.  1992.  An ecological approach to management.
Anonymous.  1998.  Forum on Research and Management of Howellia aquatilis.
Anonymous.  1990.  Yakima Reservation Rangeland Ecological Sites. Draft.  
Anonymous.  0.  Indicator species for Idaho forests.  
Anonymous.  2006.  Lepidium papilliferum technical team meeting notes. January 24, 2006.  
Anonymous.  0.  Livestock print penetration: overview of methods and recommendations.  
Anonymous.  0.  Field key for Carex spp.  
Anonymous.  2005.  Slickspot peppergrass CCA Conservation Committe meeting minutes, draft.
Anonymous.  1988.  Cumulative effects analysis process for the Selkirk/Cabinet-Yaak grizzly bear ecosystems.  
Anonymous.  1992.  Site description: East Moscow Mountain.  
Anonymous.  1992.  Bull trout could be next on endangered species list.  Idaho Statesman.  29 October
Anonymous.  2009.  History on Lepidium papilliferum subEO 715.  
Anonymous.  0.  References on collecting, marking and censusing herptilea.  
Anonymous.  1975.  The genus Dodecatheon Linnaeus in British Columbia.  Davidsonia.  6(1):7-13.
Anonymous.  0.  Slick "spot" peppergrass writes a letter.  
Anonymous.  0.  Pony Meadows, Aquatic Features.  
Anonymous.  1991.  Executive summary regarding Badger Creek.  
Anonymous.  1964.  Department of Geology and Geological Engineering College of Mines and Earth Resources: Thesis index, 1964-1987.  
Anonymous.  0.  History of predatory animal control in Idaho: selected excerpts.  
Anonymous.  0.  Status report for Lomatium orogenioides.  
Anonymous.  1961.  Statement of policy relative to the setting aside of privately owned lands as natural areas.  Journal of Forestry.  59(12):Notpaged.
Anonymous.  1995.  Species: water howellia.  Conservation Biology.  9(4):723.
Anonymous.  2005.  Lepidium papilliferum technical team meeting minutes.
Anonymous.  1998.  Memorandum of understanding concerning the conservation of springsnails in the Great Basin among U. S. Geological Survey, Bureau of Land Management, National Museum of Natural History, National Park Service, U. S. Forest Service, U. S. Fish and Wildlife S.  
Anonymous.  1999.  Trail management plan Camels Back/Hulls Gulch and Military Reserves.