Bibliography and Citations

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Anderson R.C, Beare. M.H.  1983.  Breeding system and pollination ecology of Trientalis borealis (Primulaceae).  American Journal of Botany.  70(3):408-415.
Anderson L.E.  1951.  The mosses of North Carolina VI. Encalyptaceae to Pottiaceae.  Bryologist.  54:145-161.
Anderson S., White M., Atwood D..  1991.  Humboldt National Forest sensitive plant field guide.  
Anderson M.  1997.  Idaho's vanishing wild lands: a status report on roadless areas in Idaho's national forests.  
Anderson R.M.  1946.  Catalogue of Canadian recent mammals.  
Anderson R.C, Shumar M.L.  1989.  Guidelines for revegetation of disturbed sites at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory.  
Anderson E.W.  1956.  Some Soil-Plant Relationships in Eastern Oregon.  Journal of Range Management.  9:171-175.
Anderson D.A..  1983.  Research goals for natural areas.  Natural Areas Journal.  3(1):27-32.
Anderson M., Bougeron P., Bryer M.T, Crawford R., Engelking L., Faber-Langendoen D., Gallyoun M., Goodin K., Grossman D.H, Landaal S. et al..  1998.  International classification of ecological communities: terrestrial vegetation of the United States. Volume II. The National Vegetation Classification System: list of types.
Anderson L.C.  1986.  Sympatric subspecies in Chrysothamnus nauseosus.  
Anderson H.E.  1968.  Sundance Fire: an analysis of fire phenomena.  
Anderson L..  1978.  New taxa in Chrysothamnus, section Nauseosi (Asteraceae).  Phytologia.  38(4):309-320.
Andersen JJ, Portnoy DS, Hafner JC, Light JE.  2013.  Populations at risk: conservation genetics of kangaroo mice (Microdipodops) of the Great Basin Desert.  Ecology and Evolution.  3(8):2497-2513.
Anderegg D.E, Schroeder G.J, Schroeder N.E.  1973.  Further additions to the lichen flora of Idaho.  Bryologist.  76(1):207-208.
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J. Amundson etal..  1996.  Draft properly functioning condition. Process - 12/23/96/.  
Amstrup SC, Beecham J.  1976.  Activity patterns of radio-collared black bears in Idaho.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  40(2):340-348.
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Amicangelo M., Rosentreter R..  1982.  Mudflat Oolitic limestone ACEC proposal.  
American Seed Trade Association.  2004.  The use of local native seed: position statement from the American Seed Trade Association.  
American Ornithologists' Union(AOU).  1997.  Forty-first supplement to the American Ornithologists' Union Check-list of North American Birds.  Auk.  117:542-552.
American Ornithologists' Union(AOU).  1993.  Thirty-ninth supplement to the American Ornithologists' Union Check-list of North American Birds.  Auk.  110:675-682.
American Ornithologists' Union(AOU).  1998.  Check-list of North American Birds. Edition 7th edition.  Washington (DC): American Ornithologists' Union.    Available from
American Ornithologists' Union(AOU).  1985.  Thirty-fifth Supplement to the American Ornithologists' Union Check-list of North American Birds.  Auk.  102:680-686.