Bibliography and Citations

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Thompson R..  1990.  Rare plant surveys on MHAFB and the small arms Range.  
Thompson L.S.  1977.  Dwarf shrew (SOREX NANUS) in north- central Montana.  Journal of Mammalogy.  58(2):248-250.
Thompson C.F.  1977.  Experimental removal and replacement of territorial male yellow-breasted chats.  Auk.  94:107-113.
Thompson R., Pellmyr O..  1989.  Origins of variance in seed number and mass: interactions of sex expression and herbivory in Lomatium salmoniflorum.  Oecologia.  79(3):395-402.
Thompson RS, Hostetler SW, Bartlein PJ, Anderson KH.  1998.  A strategy for assessing potential future changes in climate, hydrology, and vegetation in the western United States.    Available from
Thompson, III F.R.  1994.  Temporal and spatial patterns of breeding brown-headed cowbirds in the midwestern United States.  Auk.  111:979-990.
Thompson H.J.  1953.  The biosystematics of Dodecatheon.  Contributions from the Dudley Herbarium.  4(5):73-154.
Thompson R.  Submitted.  Professional background information.  Thompson, Rosemary..  
Thomasson J.R.  1982.  New and clarified plant distribution and occurrence records for South Dakota.  Southwestern Naturalist.  27(1):124.
Thomasma LE, Drummer TD, Peterson RO.  1991.  Testing the habitat suitability index model for the fisher.  Wildlife Society Bulletin.  19:291-297.
Thomas T.B, West S.D.  1989.  Sampling methods for bats.  
Thomas DB, Smith AD, Triplehorn CA, Aalbu RA.  2014.  Walker's Eleodes (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae).  Zootaxa.  3835(4):583–592.  Available from
Thomas D.W.  1988.  The distribution of bats in different ages of Douglas-fir forests.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  52(4):619-626.
Thomas D.W, Bell G.P, Fenton M.B.  1987.  Variation in echolocation call frequencies recorded from North American vespertilionid bats: a cautionary note.  Journal of Mammalogy.  68(4):842-847.
Thomas C.  2004.  Private Landowners, States, and ESA. PowerPoint presentation, United State Fish and Wildlife Service, southern Idaho ground squirrel annual meeting.  
Thomas T.B, Carey A.B.  1996.  Endangered, threatened, and sensitive plants of Fort Lewis, Washington: Distribution, mapping, and management recommendations for species conservation.  Northwest Science.  70(2):148-163.
Thomas JW, Forsman ED, Lint JB, Meslow EC, Noon BB, Verner J.  1990.  A conservation strategy for the northern spotted owl: a report of the Interagency Scientific Committee to address the conservation of the northern spotted owl.  
Thomas JWard, Pletscher DH.  2002.  The "lynx affair"–professional credibility on the line.  Wildlife Society Bulletin.  30(4):1281-1286.
Thomas T.B, Wentzell C..  1986.  A bibliography of riparian topics with emphasis on the Intermountain West.  
Thomas JW, Forsman ED, Lint JB, Meslow EC, Noon BB, Verner J.  1990.  A conservation strategy for the northern spotted owl: a report of the Interagency Scientific Committee to address the conservation of the northern spotted owl; habitat conservation area maps.  
Thomas D.W.  Submitted.  Hibernating bats are sensitive to nontactile human disturbance.  Journal of Mammalogy.  76:940-946.
Thomas T.B, Irby L.R.  1990.  Habitat use and movement patterns by migrating mule deer in southeastern Idaho.  Northwest Science.  64(1):19-27.
Thomas R..  2006.  Letter to Tracey Trent, Chief, Natural Resources Policy Bureau, from Rosemary Thomas, Four Rivers Field Manager, Bureau of Land Management, regarding penetrative trampling livestock trigger–EO 71. Boise, ID.  
Thomas C.D.  1990.  What do real population dynamics tell us about minimum viable population sizes? Conservation Biology.  4(3):324-327.
Thom R, Linsenbardt A, Kramer K, Schuller R.  2005.  Status of State Natural Area Programs, 2005.