Bibliography and Citations

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Bunting S.C, Robberecht R., Defosse G.E.  1998.  Length and timing of grazing on postburn productivity of two bunchgrasses in an Idaho experimental range.  International Journal of Wildland Fire.  8(1):15-20.
Bunting S.C.  1994.  Effects of fire on juniper woodland ecosystems in the Great Basin. INT-GTR-313.  
Bunting S.C, Neuenschwander L.F, Gruell G.E.  1985.  Fire ecology of antelope bitterbrush in the northern Rocky Mountains.  
Bunting S.C.  2003.  Preproposal: Effects of livestock trampling on Lepidium papilliferum and slickspot composition in southern Idaho.  
Bunting S.  2001.  Fire and community diversity in the western juniper/sagebrush steppe mosaic.  Sage Notes.  23(2):1-3.
Bunting S.C, Kilgore B.M, Bushey C.L.  1987.  Guidelines for prescribed burning sagebrush-grass rangelands in the northern Great Basin.  
Bunting S.C., Kingery J.L, Schroeder M.A.  2003.  Assessing the restoration potential of altered rangeland ecosystems in the Interior Columbia Basin.  Restoration Ecology.  21:77-86.
Bunting S.C.  1996.  The use and role of fire in natural areas.
Bunting S.C.  1985.  Fire in sagebrush-grass ecosystems: successional changes.
Bunte K., Abt S.R.  2001.  Sampling surface and subsurface particle-size distributions in wadable gravel- and cobble-bed streams for analyses in sediment transport, hydraulics, and streambed monitoring.  
Bunnell S.D, Squires K.A.  2004.  Plagued by a plethora of peripherals: Refining guidelines for peripheral taxa.
Bunnell S.T, White C.M, Paul D., Bunnell S.D.  1997.  Stick nests on a building and transmission towers used for nesting by large falcons in Utah.  Great Basin Naturalist.  57(3):263-267.
Bunnell S.D, Johnson DR.  1974.  Physical factors affecting pika density and dispersal.  Journal of Mammalogy.  55(4):866-869.
Bunnell F.L, Spribille T., Houde I., Goward T., Bjork C..  2008.  Lichens on down wood in logged and unlogged forest stands.  Canadian Journal of Forest Research.  38(5):1033-1041.
Bunderson E.D, Weber D.J, Nelson D.L.  1986.  Diseases associated with Juniperus osteosperma and a model for predicting their occurrence with environmental site factors.  Great Basin Naturalist.  46:427-440.
Bull EL, Hohmann JE, Henjum MG.  1987.  Northern pygmy-owl nests in northeastern Oregon.  Journal of Raptor Research.  21(2):77-78.
Bull E.L, Holthausen R.S, Marx D.B.  1990.  How to determine snag density.  Western Journal of Applied Forestry.  5(2):56-58.
Bull EL.  1987.  Ecology of the pileated woodpecker in northeastern Oregon.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  51(2):472-481.
Bull E.L.  1980.  Resource partitioning among woodpeckers in northeastern Oregon.  :109pp.
Bull E.L, Wales B.C.  2001.  Effects of disturbance on amphibians of conservation concern in eastern Oregon and Washington.  Northwest Science.  75(Special Issue):174-179.
Bull EL, Henjum MG, Rohweder RS.  1988.  Nesting and foraging habitat of great gray owls.  Journal of Raptor Research.  22(4):107-115.  Available from
Bull EL.  2009.  Dispersal of newly metamorphosed and juvenile western toads (Anaxyrus boreas) in northeastern Oregon, USA.  Herpetological Conservation and Biology.  4(2):236-247.  Available from
Bull EL, Carter BE.  1996.  Tailed frogs: distribution, ecology, and association with timber harvest in northeastern Oregon.    Available from,
Bull EL, Duncan JR.  1993.  Great gray owl (Strix nebulosa).  Birds of North America Online.    Available from
Bull E.L.  1987.  Capture techniques for owls. RM-142.