Bibliography and Citations

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Kaltenecker G.S.  1996.  Continued monitoring of Boise's wintering bald eagles, winter 1995/1996, final report.  
Kaltenecker G.S.  1997.  Continued monitoring of Boise's wintering bald eagles, final report.  
Kaltenecker G.S.  1994.  Continued monitoring of Boise's wintering bald eagles, a proposal.  
Lorain C.C, Moseley R.K.  1990.  Continued field investigations of Mimulus clivicola (bank monkeyflower).  
Rocky Mountain Population Trumpeter SwanSubcomittee.  1988.  Contingency plan for management of wintering trumpeter swans in the vicinity of Harriman State Park, Idaho.  
Wallen R.L.  0.  Contents of a speech Rick Wallen gave on the harlequin duck.  
Turner N.J, Hebda R.J.  1990.  Contemporary use of bark for medicine by two Salishan native elders of southeast Vancouver Island, Canada.  Canadian Journal of Ethnobotany.  29:59-72.
Secord AL, Patnode KA, Carter C, Redman E, Gefell DJ, Major AR, Sparks DW.  2015.  Contaminants of emerging concern in bats from the northeastern United States.  Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology.  69:411-421.  Available from
Adams R.A.  1993.  Consumption of water boatmen (Hemiptera: Corixidae) by little brown bats, Myotis lucifugus.  Bat Research News.  34(2/3):66-67.
Baldwin C.  1998.  Constance's bittercress: a local endemic.  Sage Notes.  20(4):8-9.
Salwasser H..  1989.  Conserving threatened, endangered, and sensitive species: a foundation for biodiversity and caring for the land.
McNeely JA, Miller KR, Reid W, Mittermeier R, Werner TB.  1990.  Conserving the world's biological diversity. Gland, Switzerland and Washington (DC): International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, World Resources Institute, Conservation International, World Wildlife Fund - US, and the World Bank.  
Anderson M.G, Ferree C.E.  2010.  Conserving the stage: climate change and the geophysical underpinnings of species diversity.  Plos ONE.  5(7):e11554.
Scher S..  1991.  Conserving the Pacific yew.  Fremontia.  19(4):15-18.
Stone EL, Jones G, Harris S.  2012.  Conserving energy at a cost to biodiversity? Impacts of LED lighting on bats Global Change Biology.  18(8):2458-2465.  Available from,
Buskirk S.W.  1992.  Conserving circumboreal forests for martens and fishers.  Conservation Biology.  6(3):318-320.
Hatfield R, Jepsen S, Mader E, Black SHoffman, Shepherd M.  2012.  Conserving bumble bees: guidelines for creating and managing habitat for America's declining pollinators.    Available from
Schmitz OJ, Lawler JJ, Beier P, Groves C, Knight G, Boyce, Jr. DA, Bulluck J, Johnston KM, Klein ML, Muller K et al..  2015.  Conserving biodiversity: practical guidance about climate change adaptation approaches in support of land-use planning.  Natural Areas Journal.  35(1):190-203.
Uresk DW, Schenbeck GL, O'Rourke JT.  1997.  Conserving biodiversity on native rangelands: symposium proceedings. Conserving Biodiversity on Native Rangelands.  General Technical Report RM-GTR-298.  Fort Robinson State Park (Nebraska): U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Fort Collins, CO.  
Leslie M, Meffe GK, Hardesty JL, Adams DL.  1996.  Conserving biodiversity on military lands: a handbook for natural resource managers. Arlington (VA): The Nature Conservancy.  
Thibodeau F.R.  1985.  Conserving America's plants.  Bulletin of the Virginia Wildflower Preservation Society.  4(1):4.
Bottrill MC, Joseph LN, Carwardine J, Bode M, Cook C, Game ET, Grantham H, Kark S, Linke S, McDonald-Madden E et al..  2008.  Is conservation triage just smart decision making? Trends in Ecology & Evolution.  23(12):649–654.  Available from
Yensen E..  2000.  Conservation survey of three species of western "small-eared" ground squirrels.  
Wilcox B.A, Murphy D.D.  1985.  Conservation strategy: the effects of fragmentation on extinction.  American Naturalist.  125:879-887.
Jankovsky-Jones M.  1999.  Conservation strategy for wetlands in east-central Idaho.