Bibliography and Citations

Found 12292 results
Journal Article
Hill J., Gauch, Jr. H.G.  1980.  Detrended correspondence analysis: an improved ordination technique.  Vegetatio.  42:47-58.
Gough L.P, Jackson L.L, Sacklin. J.A.  1988.  Determining baseline element composition of lichens. II. Hypogymnia enteromorpha and Usnea spp. at Redwood National Park, California.  Water, Air, and Soil Pollution.  38:169-180.
Samson FB, Perez-Trejo F, Salwasser H, Ruggiero LF, Shaffer ML.  1985.  On determining and managing minimum population size.  Wildlife Society Bulletin.  13(4):425-433.
Rosenfield J.A.  1998.  Detection of natural hybridization between pink salmon (ONCORHYNCHUS GORBUSCHA) and chinook salmon (ONCORHYNCHUS TSHAWYTSCHA) in the Laurentian Great Lakes using meristic, morphological, and color evidence.  Copeia.  1998:706-714.
Rodgers TW, Dysthe JC, Tait C, Franklin TW, Schwartz MK, Mock KE.  2020.  Detection of four imperiled western North American freshwater mussel species from environmental DNA with multiplex qPCR assays.  bioRxiv (preprint for Freshwater Science article).  (012088v1):1-21.  Available from
Torstrom SM, Adams JR, Waits LP.  2013.  Detecting pygmy rabbits (Brachylagus idahoensis) using DNA extracted from fecal pellets of mixed-species groups.  Wildlife Society Bulletin.  37(3):603–607.  Available from
Hurst E., Hehnke M., Goude C.C.  1980.  The destruction of riparian vegetation and its impact on the avian wildlife in the Sacramento River Valley, California.  American Birds.  34(1):8-12.
Beier P, Gregory AJ.  2012.  Desperately seeking stable 50-year-old landscapes with patches and long, wide corridors.  PLoS Biology.  10(1):e1001253.  Available from
MacKenzie DI, J. Royle A.  2005.  Designing occupancy studies: general advice and allocating survey effort.  Journal of Applied Ecology.  42(6):1105-1114.
Newbold T.AScott.  2005.  Desert horned lizard (Phyrnosoma platyrhinos) locomotor performance: the influence of cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum).  Southwestern Naturalist.  50:17-23.  Available from
Bailey JA.  1980.  Desert bighorn, forage competition and zoogeography.  Wildlife Society Bulletin.  8(3):208-216.  Available from
Chamberlin R.V, Jones D.T.  1929.  A descriptive catalog of the Mollusca of Utah.  Biological Series.  19(4):1-203.
Frison T.H.  1942.  Descriptions, records and systematic notes concerning western North American stoneflies (Plecoptera).  Pan-Pacific Entomologist.  18(1):9-16.
Brewster W.  1891.  Descriptions of seven supposed new North American birds.  Auk.  8(2):139-149.  Available from
Hemphill H..  1890.  Descriptions of new varieties of North American land shells.  Nautilus.  3:133-135.
Vanatta E.G.  1924.  Descriptions of four new American shells.  Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia.  76:25-27.
Hemphill H..  1911.  Description of some varieties of shells, with short notes on the geographical range and means of distribution of land shells.  Transactions of the San Diego Society of Natural History.  1:99-108.
Egoscue H.J.  1966.  Description of a newborn kit fox.  Southwestern Naturalist.  11(4):541-502.
Kohler S.  2007.  A description of a new subspecies of Lycaena phlaeas (Lycaenidae: Lycaeninae) from Montana, United States, with a comparative study of Old and New World populations.  Taxonomic Report of the International Lepidoptera Survey.  7(1):1-19.  Available from
Reise H, Hutchinson JMC, Schunack S, Schlitt B.  2011.  Deroceras panormitanum and congeners from Malta and Sicily, with a redescription of the widespread pest slug as Deroceras invadens n. sp..  Folia Malacologica.  19(4):201–223.  Available from
Gallegos D., Johnson P., Wood S., Snyder W..  1987.  Depositional facies patterns along the Boise Front.  Northwest Geology.  16:47-59.
U. S. Department of the Interior.  1995.  Department of the Interior. 1995. Guideposts for reform. Press release 6 March 1995.  Press Release.  
Groves C., Frederick T., Frederick G., Atkinson E., Atkinson M., Shepherd J., Servheen G..  1997.  Density, distribution, and habitat of flammulated owls in Idaho.  Great Basin Naturalist.  57:116-123.
Kendall KC, Macleod AC, Boyd KL, Boulanger J, J. Royle A, Kasworm WF, Paetkau D, Proctor MF, Annis K, Graves TA.  2016.  Density, distribution, and genetic structure of grizzly bears in the Cabinet–Yaak Ecosystem.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  80(2):314–331.
van Manen FT, Haroldson MA, Bjornlie DD, Ebinger MR, Thompson DJ, Costello CM, White GC.  2016.  Density dependence, whitebark pine, and vital rates of grizzly bears.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  80(2):300-313.