Bibliography and Citations

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Cameron S.A, Hines H.M, Williams P.H.  2007.  A comprehensive phylogeny of the bumble bees (Bombus).  Biological Journal of the Linnean Society.  91(1):161-188.
Callihan R.H, Miller T.W.  1999.  Idaho's noxious weeds; featuring new distribution maps.  
Callihan R.H.  1988.  Research and development proposal to the W. Alton Jones Foundation for repopulating MacFarlane's Four-o'clock.  
Callaway R.M, Aschelhoug E.T.  2000.  Invasive plants versus their new and old neighbors: a mechanism for exotic invasion.  Science.  290(20):521-522.
Callahan PM, Merickel FW, Cook SP, Fins L.  2008.  First report of four beetle species (Coleoptera) (Podapion gallicola Riley (Brentidae), Cimberis turbans Hustache (Nemonychidae), Chrysobothris californica LeConte (Buprestidae) and Laricobius nigrinus Fender (Derodontidae)) in Idaho.  Pan-Pacific Entomologist.  84(2):117-120.  Available from
Callahan J.R, Compton D.S.  1993.  Transport of a juvenile pinyon mouse (Peromyscus truei).  Great Basin Naturalist.  53(3):319-317.
Call M.W.  1978.  Nesting habitats and surveying techniques for common western raptors.  
Call R.E.  1884.  On the Quaternary and recent Mollusca of the Great Basin with descriptions of new forms.  Bulletin of the U. S. Geological Survey.  11:358-421.
Call M..  1979.  Habitat management guides for birds of prey.  
California Native Plant Society.  1988.  Inventory of rare and endangered vascular plants of California.
California Native Plant Society.  2003.  Plants are "second class citizens" under the Endangered Species Act.  
California Department of Fish and Game.  1996.  Mountain quail trapping and tagging study: selection of study sites and progress report.  
California Department of Fish and Game.  1990.  Recovery plan: bank swallow (Riparia riparia).  
California Department of Fish and Game.  2002.  Special vascular plants, bryophytes, and lichens list. Biannual publication.  
California Academy of Sciences.  2010.  Mollusca specimen data - Idaho specimens.  
California Academy of Sciences.  Submitted.  No description.  California Academy of Sciences..  
California Academy of Sciences.  2009.  Mammal specimen data - Idaho specimens.  
California Academy of Sciences.  2005.  Email message containing the specimen label data from two specimens of Glacicavicola bathyscioides collected in Lincoln County.  
Caldwell Public Library.  0.  Caldwell Public Library, Directory of Idaho Foundations.  Caldwell Public Library. No date. Directory of Idaho Foundations..  
Calder W.A., Jones E.J..  1989.  Implications of recapture data for migration of the rufous hummingbird (SELASPHORUS RUFUS) in the Rocky Mountains.  Auk.  106:488-489.
Cairns M.A, Lackey R.T.  1992.  Biodiversity and management of natural resources: the issues.  Fisheries.  17(3):41070.
Cain S.A.  1968.  Natural area preservation: national urgency.  Bioscience.  18(5):399-401.
Caicco S.L.  1990.  Life history, population dynamics and conservation status of Calochortus nitidus (Liliaceae).  Northwest Science.  64(2):page108,Abstractno.71.
Caicco S.L.  1988.  1988 plant survey forms for Calochortus nitidus in north central Idaho.  
Caicco S.L.  1987.  Special plant survey forms for the Salmon River Ranger District: Calochortus nitidus 020, 021, 032 , and 056 through 062; Penstemon elegantulus 005.