Bibliography and Citations

Found 12292 results
Johnson MK.  1982.  Response of small mammals to livestock grazing in southcentral Idaho.  Journal of Range Management.  35(1):51-53.  Available from
MacCracken JG, Hansen RM.  1982.  Seasonal foods of coyotes in southeastern Idaho: a multivariate analysis.  Great Basin Naturalist.  42(1):45-49.  Available from
Carlton J.  1982.  Selkirk Mountain Caribou (Rangifer tarandus montanus) status and research needs.  
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  1982.  Sensitive bird species: Region 1.  
Goff F.G, Dawson G.A, Rochow. J.J.  1982.  Site examination for threatened and endangered plant species.  Environmental Management.  6(4):307-316.
Racey G.D, Euler D.L.  1982.  Small mammal and habitat response to shoreline cottage development in central Ontario.  Canadian Journal of Zoology.  60(5):865-880.  Available from
[Anonymous].  1982.  The Snake River Birds of Prey study area bird list.  
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service.  1982.  Soil survey: Idaho County area, Idaho: Western part.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service.  1982.  Soil survey the Bonner County area, Idaho: Parts of Bonner and Boundary counties, Idaho. National Cooperative Soil Survey.
Collins J.T, Conant R., Huheey J.E, Knight J.L, Rundquist E.M, Smith H.M.  1982.  Standard common and current scientific names for North American amphibians and reptiles.  
Rosentreter R..  1982.  The status report and recovery plan for the twin bladderpod flower in the Salmon District of the BLM. Bureau of Land Management, Idaho State Office, Boise.  
Taylor D.W.  1982.  Status report on Bliss Rapids Snail.  
Taylor D.W.  1982.  Status report on Bruneau Hot Spring snail.  
Taylor D.W.  1982.  Status report on giant Columbia River limpet in southwestern Idaho.  
Taylor D.W.  1982.  Status report on Snake River Physa snail.  
Taylor D.W.  1982.  Status report on the Great Columbia River Spire Snail in southern Idaho.  
Taylor D.W.  1982.  Status report on the Homedale Creek Spring Snail.  
Taylor D.W.  1982.  Status report on the Utah valvata snail in southwestern Idaho.  
Rollins RC.  1982.  Studies on Arabis (Cruciferae) of western North America II.  Contributions from the Gray Herbarium of Harvard University.  212:103-114.  Available from
Othberg K.  1982.  Surficial geologic map of the Pullman quadrangle, Idaho.  
Cholewa A.F, Henderson D.M.  1982.  A survey and assessment of the rare vascular plants of the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory site.  
Henderson D.M.  1982.  A survey of the rare plants of the Challis National Forest Middle Fork Ranger District, with recommendations and management implications.  
Selby C.J, Pitt M.D.  1982.  Taxonomic extensions in the Chilcotin Mountains of southern British Columbia.  Northwest Science.  56(4):268-275.
Schueler F.W, Rankin R.M.  1982.  Terrestrial amplexus in the wood frog, Rana sylvatica.  Canadian Field-Naturalist.  96:348-349.
Meinke R.J.  1982.  Threatened and endangered vascular plants of Oregon: an illustrated guide.