Bibliography and Citations

Found 12292 results
Ferguson R.B, Medin D.E.  1983.  Long-term changes in an ungrazed bitterbrush plant community in southwest Idaho. INT-152.  
French NR, Mitchell J.E.  1983.  Long-term vegetation changes in permanent quadrats at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory.  
Johnson C.A.  1983.  MacFarlane's four o'clock (Mirabilis macfarlanei) preliminary endangered plant report of a new population.  
Lee V..  1983.  Maps showing distribution of Oenothera psammophila, St. Anthony Sand Dunes vicinity.  
Chambers S..  1983.  Memo regarding status reports on Snake River area snails. [ presumably a USFWS memo].  
Adamus pR.  1983.  A method for wetland functional assessment, vol. II. Report No. FHWA-IP-82-24.    Available from
Meinke R.J.  1983.  Mimulus hymenophyllus (Scrophulariaceae), a new species from the Snake River Canyon area of eastern Oregon.  Madrono.  30(3):147-115.
Gore A.JP.  1983.  Mires: swamp, bog, fen, and moor.
Wears W.W.  1983.  Mountain quail: Oreortyx picta.
Connelly JW, O. Markham D.  1983.  Movements and radionuclide concentrations of sage grouse in southeastern Idaho.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  47(1):169-177.
Perrill S.A, Daniel R.E.  1983.  Multiple egg clutches in HYLA REGILLA, H. CINEREA, and H. GRATIOSA.  Copeia.  1983:513-516.
Fleischner T.L.  1983.  Natural history of harlequin ducks wintering in northern Puget Sound.  
Montanucci R.R.  1983.  Natural hybridization between two species of collared lizards (CROTAPHYTUS).  Copeia.  1983:1-11.
Thurow TL, White CM.  1983.  Nest site relationship between the ferruginous hawk and Swainson's hawk.  Journal of Field Ornithology.  54:401-406.  Available from
Steenhof K., Kockert M.N, Doremus J.H.  1983.  Nesting of subadult golden eagles in southwestern Idaho.  Auk.  100(3):743-747.  Available from
Reynolds T.D..  1983.  Nesting of the sage thrasher, sage sparrow, and Brewer's sparrow in southeastern Idaho.  Condor.  83:61-64.
Weber W.A.  1983.  New Names and Combinations, Principally In The Rocky Mountain.  
Johnson N.K, Ardema D.S.  1983.  News and notes. A disjunct population of Ribes sanguineum (Grossulariaceae) in Idaho.  Madrono.  30(3):191-193.
Northern Rocky Mountain Wolf Recovery Team.  1983.  Northern Rocky Mountain Wolf Recovery Plan. Draft.  
Bakewell G, Chopek JM, Burkholder GL.  1983.  Notes on reproduction of the side-blotched lizard Uta stansburiana stansburiana in southwest Idaho.  Great Basin Naturalist.  43(3):477-482.  Available from
Caicco S.L, Civille J., Henderson D..  1983.  Noteworthy collections.  Madrono.  30:64.
Goodrich S., Henderson D., Cholewa A..  1983.  Noteworthy collections.  Madroño.  30:63.
Brunsfeld S., Caicco S., Henderson D.M.  1983.  Noteworthy collections. Idaho.  Madroño.  30:64.
Johnson N.K, Brunsfeld S.J.  1983.  Noteworthy collections: Idaho.  Madrono.  30:259..
Cholewa A.F, Henderson D.M.  1983.  Noteworthy collections: Idaho.  Madrono.  30:63-64.