Bibliography and Citations

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Will G.C.  1989.  Status of the Rocky Mountain Population of trumpeter swans and work plans for 1989-90: information sheet on the current status of trumpeter swans in the tristate area.  
Will G.C.  1984.  Statewide surveys and inventories: game bird and rabbit population status, trends and harvest.  
Wilken D.H.  1975.  A systematic study of the genus Hulsea (Asteraceae).  Brittonia.  27(3):228-244.
Wilken D.H, Smith D.M, Harborne J.B, Glennie C.W.  1982.  Flavonoid and anthocyanin patterns and the systematic relationships in Collomia.  Biochemical Systematics and Ecology.  10(3):239-243.
Wilken D., Harmon W., Feddema C., Harrington H..  1978.  Distributional records for the Colorado flora.  Great Plains Naturalist.  38(2):208-210.
Wildlife Conservation Society.  2007.  Greater Yellowstone wolverine program: cumulative report May 2007.  
Wilde DB.  1979.  Pygmy rabbit reproduction: possible modification by drought conditions. Myers K, MacInnes CD, editors. Guelph (Ontario): University of Guelph.  
Wilde D.B.  1978.  A population analysis of the pygmy rabbit (Sylvilagus idahoensis) on the INEL site.  :161pp..
Wild Sheep Working Group.  2012.  Recommendations for domestic sheep and goat management in wild sheep habitat.    Available from
Wilcox B.A, Murphy D.D.  1985.  Conservation strategy: the effects of fragmentation on extinction.  American Naturalist.  125:879-887.
Wilcox BP, Breshears DD.  1995.  Hydrology and ecology of pinyon-juniper woodlands: conceptual framework and field studies. Desired Future Conditions for Pinyon-Juniper Ecosytems, August 8-12, 1994.  General Technical Report RM-258.  Flagstaff (Arizona): U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station.   p. 109-119.
Wilcox D.A, Pavlovic N.B, Mueggler M.L.  1985.  Selected ecological characteristics of Scirpus cyperinus and its role as an invader of disturbed wetlands.  Wetlands.  5:87-98.
Wilbur SR.  1976.  New seasonal and distributional records of Idaho birds.  Murrelet.  57(2):32-34.
Wilbur S.R.  1967.  Live-trapping North American upland game birds.  
Wilbur SR.  1965.  Three new birds from Idaho.  Murrelet.  46(3):45-46.  Available from
Wikeem B.M, Pitt M.D.  1992.  Diet of California bighorn sheep, Ovis canadensis californiana, in British Columbia: assessing optimal foraging habitat.  Canadian Field-Naturalist.  106(3):327-335.
Wik J..  2006.  Summary of phone calls made to Idaho Department of Fish and Game's Panhandle and Clearwater Region trappers in regard to fisher sightings. One-page summary plus spreadsheet.  
Wik PA.  2002.  Ecology of greater sage-grouse in south-centeral Owhyee County, Idaho.  :141.
Wigley T.B, Sweeney J.M.  1993.  Cooperative partnerships and the role of private landowners.  
Wightman CS, Saab VA, Forristal C, Mellen-McLean K, Markus A.  2010.  White-headed woodpecker nesting ecology after wildfire.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  74(5):1098–1106.  Available from
Wiggins GB, Richardson JS.  1989.  Biosystematics of Eocosmoecus, a new Nearctic caddisfly genus (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae, Dicosmoecinae).  Journal of the North American Benthological Society.  8(4):355-369.  Available from
Wiggins GB, Weaver, III JS, Unzicker JD.  1985.  Revision of the caddisfly family Uenoidae (Trichoptera).  Canadian Entomologist.  117(06):763-800.
Wiggins GB.  1973.  New systematic data for the North American caddisfly genera Lepania, Goeracea, and Goerita (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae).  Life Sciences Contribution, Royal Ontario Museum.  91:1-33.  Available from
Wiggins G.B, Anderson N.H.  1968.  Contributions to the systematics of the caddisfly genera Pseudostenophylax and Philocasca with special reference to the immature stages (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae).  Canadian Journal of Zoology.  46(1):61-75.
Wiggins D.A, Holt D.W, Leasure S.M.  2006.  Short-eared owl (Asio flammeus).  Birds of North America Online.  (062)  Available from