Bibliography and Citations

Found 12292 results
Journal Article
Newell R.L, Minshall G.W.  Submitted.  Aquatic invertebrates of southeastern Idaho. I. Plecoptera (stoneflies).  Journal of the Idaho Academy of Science.  15(1):6-20.
Newell RL, G. Minshall W.  1979.  Aquatic invertebrates of southeastern Idaho II. Trichoptera (caddisflies).  Journal of the Idaho Academy of Science.  15(2):33-51.
Hammer S., Heseltine J.M.  1988.  Aquatic macrophytes in saline lakes of the Canadian prairies.  Hydrobiologia.  158:101-116.
Blockenstein D.E.  1992.  An aquatic perspective on U. S. biodiversity policy.  Fisheries.  17(3):26-30.
Catling P.M, Freedman B., Stewart C., Kerekes J.J, Lefkovitch L.P.  1986.  Aquatic plants of acid lakes in Kejimkujik National Park, Nova Scotia: floristic composition and relation to water chemistry.  Canadian Journal of Botany.  64(4):724-729.
Lefcort H., Abbott D.P, Cleary D.A, Howell E., Keller N.C, Smith M.M.  2004.  Aquatic snails from mining sites have evolved to detect and avoid heavy metals.  Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology.  46(4):478-484.  Available from
Patla D.A, Peterson C.R.  1999.  Are amphibians declining in Yellowstone National Park.  Yellowstone Science.  7(1):2-11.
Reznicek A.A.  1987.  Are small reserves worthwhile for plants? Endangered Species.  5(2):1-3.
Johnson N.K, Igl L.D.  2001.  Area requirements of grassland birds: a regional perspective.  Auk.  118:124-134.
Zeppelini D, Christiansen K.  2003.  Arrhopalites (Collembola: Arrhopalitidae) in U.S. caves with the description of seven new species.  Journal of Cave and Karst Studies.  65(1):36-42.  Available from
Kruckeberg A.R.  1961.  Artificial crosses of western North American Silenes.  Brittonia.  13:305-333.
Howard RP, Hilliard M.  1980.  Artificial nest structures and grassland raptors.  Raptor Research.  14(2):41-45.  Available from
Sundell E.  1993.  Asclepiadaceae milkweed family.  Journal of the Arizona-Nevada Academy Of Science.  27(2):169-187.  Available from
Webb G.F.  1968.  The Ashmunellinae: sexological notes on Allogona.  Gastropodia.  1(7):70-72.
Taylor D.W.  1988.  Aspects of freshwater mollusc ecological biogeography.  Paleoecology.  62:511-576.
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Diller LV, Wallace RL.  1986.  Aspects of the life history and ecology of the desert night snake, Hypsiglena torquata deserticola: Colubridae, in southwestern Idaho.  Southwestern Naturalist.  31(1):55-64.
Rehfeldt GE, Ferguson DE, Crookston NL.  2009.  Aspen, climate, and sudden decline in western USA.  Forest Ecology and Management.  258(11):2353–2364.  Available from
Kay CE.  1997.  Is aspen doomed? Journal of Forestry.  95(5):4-11.  Available from
Sohrabi M, Stenroos S, Hognabba F, Nordin A, Owe-Larsson B.  2011.  Aspicilia rogeri sp. nov. (Megasporaceae) and other allied vagrant species in North America.  Bryologist.  114:178-189.
Moran R.C.  1982.  The Asplenium trichomanes complex in the United States and adjacent Canada.  American Fern Journal.  72(1):5-11.
Uliczka H., Angelstam P..  2000.  Assessing conservation values of forest stands based on specialised lichens and birds.  Biological Conservation.  95:343-351.
Kunz TH, Arnett EB, Cooper BM, Erickson WP, Larkin RP, Mabee T, Morrison ML, M. Strickland D, Szewczak JM.  2007.  Assessing impacts of wind-energy development on nocturnally active birds and bats: a guidance document.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  71(8):2449–2486.  Available from
Benjamin L., Van Kirk R.W.  1999.  Assessing instream flows and reservoir operations on an eastern Idaho river.  Journal of the American Water Resources Association.  35:899-909.
Holmes R.T., Sherry T.W..  1988.  Assessing population trends of New Hampshire forest birds: local vs. regional patterns.  Auk.  105:756-768.