Bibliography and Citations

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Bottum E., Murphy C..  2003.  Field notes for high valleys of the Salmon River Basin wetland and west central wetland sites.  
Bottum E., Murphy C..  2002.  Field notes for Pole Creek.  
Bottum E, Anderson D, Gardetto J, Kemner D, Mikkelsen A, Ragotzkie K, Schmidt S.  2002.  Management plan: Deer Parks Complex Wildlife Mitigation Units.  
Bottum E., Williams K..  2004.  Field notes for East Camas (S.USIDHP*9775/Site ID 730).  
Bottum E., Williams K..  2004.  Field notes for Webber Creek.  
Bottum E., Murphy C..  2002.  Field notes for high valleys of the Weiser Basin Wetland sites.  
Bottum E..  2004.  Wetland conservation strategy for the high valleys of the Salmon River, Idaho.  
Bottum E..  2003.  Field notes for Johnson Creek Park (S.USIDHP*9712/Site ID 723).  
Bouchart MLeigh.  1991.  Great gray owl habitat use in southeastern Manitoba and the effects of forest resource management [master's thesis].  Natural Resources Management.  :92.  Available from
Boudreau S..  1996.  Reply to letter from Steve Rust clarifying the grazing status of Lava Butte pRNA and Pony Creek RNA.  
Bouffard SH, Tindall KV, Fothergill K.  2008.  Herbicide treatment to restore St. Anthony Dune tiger beetle habitat: a pilot study.  
Bouffard S, Fothergill K.  2008.  Stalking the wily Cicindela arenicola.  Idaho Entomology Group Newsletter.  35(4-5):13.  Available from
Boufford D.E.  1973.  New or noteworthy New Hampshire plants.  Rhodora.  75:158-161.
Boulanger J, Stenhouse GB.  2014.  The impact of roads on the demography of grizzly bears in Alberta.  PLOS ONE.  9(12):e115535.
Boundy J., Rossman D.A.  1995.  Allocation and status of the garter snake names COLUBER INFERNALIS Blainville, EUTAENIA SIRTALIS TETRATAENIA Cope, and EUTAENIA IMPERIALIS Coues and Yarrow.  Copeia.  1995:236-240.
Bourassa A.S.  1990.  Letter dated June 28 to the Forest Supervisor, Clearwater National Forest, containing the decision documentation relating to Bourassa's April 6 decision on the Dworshak Access Proposal.  
Bourassa A.S.  1990.  Decision notice not to construct the Dworshak Access Road and finding of no significant impact, Dworshak Access Proposal.  
Bourgeron P., Jensen M., Engelking L., Everett R., Humphries H..  1995.  Landscape ecology, conservation biology, and principles of ecosystem management.
Bourgeron P., Humphries H.C.  0.  Forest communities of the western U.S. - A regional perspective.  
Bourgeron P.S, Humphries H.C, Jensen M.E.  1994.  Landscape characterization: a framework for ecological assessment at regional and local scales.  Journal of Sustainable Forestry.  2:267-281.
Bourgeron P.S.  1988.  Advantages and limitations of ecological classification for the protection of ecosystems.  Conservation Biology.  2(2):218-220.
Bourgeron P.S, Engelking L.D, Tuhy J.S, Brotherson J.D.  1990.  Bibliography of Nevada and Utah vegetation description.  Great Basin Naturalist.  50(3):209-242.
Bourgeron P.S, Engelking L.D, Humphries H.C, Muldavin E., Moir W.H.  1995.  Assessing the conservation value of the Gray Ranch: rarity, diversity, and representiveness.  Desert Plants.  11(2-3):68pp.
Bourgeron P.S, Kratz A.M, Weaver T., Weidman N..  1988.  Bibliography of Montana vegetation description.  Great Basin Naturalist.  48(3):301-323.
Bourgeron P.S.  1989.  Conservation of natural diversity: the role of an ecological classification.