Bibliography and Citations

Found 12292 results
Brown D.E.  1973.  Potential of mountain quail to adapt to the montane conifer forest and interior chaparral in Arizona.  
Boise City Heritage Preservation Committee.  1993.  Potential public preservation sites.  
Frank E.C, Lee R..  0.  Potential solar beam irradiation on slopes - tables for 30 degrees to 50 degrees latitude.  
Tirmenstein D.A.  1987.  Potentilla fruiticosa.  
Singer K, Wozencraft C.  1994.  Potlatch bat [and] small mammal survey [photocopy of handwritten notes made during surveys conducted in 1994 in northern Idaho].  
Kendall K.C, Metzgar L.H, Patterson D.A, Steele B.M.  1992.  Power of sign surveys to monitor population trend.  
Arditti J., Michaud J.D, Oliva A.P.  1982.  Practical germination of North American and related orchids - 1 - Epipactis atrorubens, E. gigantea and E. helleborine.  
Eldridge D., Tozer M.E.  1997.  A practical guide to soil lichens and bryophytes of Australia's dry country.  
Morris W., al. et.  1999.  A practical handbook for population viability analysis.  
Bruner A.D, Klebenow D.A.  1979.  Predicting success of prescribed fires in pinyon-juniper woodlands in Nevada.  
Moseley R.K.  1999.  Predicting the distribution of potential habitat for Spiranthes diluvialis on National Forests in Idaho: Phase 1 - Habitat Profile.  
Jankovsky-Jones M., Graham D..  2001.  Predicting the distribution of potential habitat for Spiranthes diluvialis on national forests in Idaho by fifth field watersheds: Phase 3 - develop a predicted model.  
Fertig W..  1999.  Predictive modeling of rare plant species.  
Carex Working Group.  1993.  Preliminary atlas of Carex distribution in Oregon.  
Austin M.L.  2000.  Preliminary draft conservation strategy.  
Austin M.L.  2000.  Preliminary draft conservation strategy: Penstemon idahoensis Unpublished report prepared for the USDA Forest Service.  
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  1994.  Preliminary draft handbook for habitat conservation planning and incidental take permit processing.  
Henderson J.A, Mauk R.L, Anderson D.L, Ketchie R., Lawton P., Simon S., Sperger R.H, Young R.W, Youngblood A..  1976.  Preliminary forest habitat-types of northwestern Utah and adjacent Idaho.  
Baldwin C.T, Brunsfeld S.J.  1995.  Preliminary genetic analysis of Silene spaldingii (Spalding's catchfly), a candidate threatened species.  
Armentrout D.J, Bush. D.M.  2002.  Preliminary habitat analysis for pygmy rabbit (Brachylagus idahoensis) within the Modoc Plateau Region of the Great Basin Province of northeastern California and a portion of northwestern Nevada.  
Rachlow J., Witham J..  2004.  Preliminary investigation of reproduction in pygmy rabbits.  
Johnston J..  1995.  Preliminary management plan for the bald eagle nest of Lost Valley Reservoir.  
Markow S..  1992.  Preliminary report on a general floristic survey of vascular plants of the Targhee National Forest.  
Meyer S.E, Quinney D..  1993.  A preliminary report on edaphic characteristics of Lepidium papilliferum microsites on the Orchard Training Area, Ada County, Idaho.  
Howard A., Munger J.C.  1999.  Preliminary report on impact of livestock grazing on spotted frogs in the Owyhee Mountains.