Bibliography and Citations

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Aubry KB.  2000.  Amphibians in managed, second-growth Douglas-fir forests.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  64(4):1041-1052.  Available from
Aubry KB, McKelvey KS, Copeland JP.  2007.  Distribution and broadscale habitat relations of the wolverine in the contiguous United States.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  71(7):2147–2158.  Available from
Audubon J.J.  1967.  The birds of America. Volume Five.  
Audubon J.J.  1839.  A synopsis of the birds of North America.
Ausband DD, G. Baty R.  2005.  Effects of precommercial thinning on snowshoe hare habitat use during winter in low-elevation montane forests.  Canadian Journal of Forest Research.  35(1):206-210.
Austin M.P, Nicholls A.O, Margules C.R.  1990.  Measurement of the realized qualitative niche: environmental niches of five Eucalyptus species.  Ecological Monographs.  60(2):161-177.
Austin M.L.  2000.  Basic stewardship monitoring data for Redfish Lake Moraine Research Natural Area.  
Austin M.L.  2000.  Preliminary draft conservation strategy: Penstemon idahoensis Unpublished report prepared for the USDA Forest Service.  
Austin M.P.  1991.  Vegetation theory in relation to cost-efficient surveys.
Austin M.L.  1999.  Basic stewardship monitoring data for Pole Canyon Research Natural Area.  
Austin M.L.  2000.  Basic stewardship monitoring data Mt. Harrison RNA.  
Austin M.L.  2002.  Basic stewardship monitoring data for Pole Creek Exclosure Research Natural Area.  
Austin M.L.  2000.  Preliminary draft conservation strategy.  
Austin ML.  2004.  Inventory of southeast Idaho bat sites: use of natural roosts and man-made analogs.  
Austin GT, Murphy DD.  1987.  Zoogeography of Great Basin butterflies: patterns of distribution and differentiation.  Great Basin Naturalist.  47(2):186-201.  Available from
Austin M.L.  2001.  Conservation concerns: habitat disturbance and herbivory of Pediocactus simpsonii.  
Austin M.L.  2000.  Brachylagus idahoensis (pygmy rabbit): biological review, sightings, and site comparision.  
Austin M.  2001.  Idaho Rare Animal Observation Report, Pygmy Rabbit.  
Austin M.L.  2007.  Ecology of the Western Burrowing Owl: population, community, and landscape dynamics relating to long-term persistence of Athene cunicularia in south central Idaho, with special attention to edaphic relationships.  
Austin M.L.  2000.  Basic stewardship monitoring data for Trapper Creek RNA.  
Austin M.L.  2000.  Astragalus anserinus; a report and review.  
Austin ML.  2003.  Acoustic survey: Winchester Lake State Park, Winchester, ID [2003 letter and survey form].  
Austin M.L.  2000.  Basic stewardship monitoring data for Pole Creek Exclosure Research Natural Area.  
Austin J.E, Keough J.R, Pyle W.H.  2003.  Effects of habitat management practices on plant cover types of uplands and wetlands at Grays Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Idaho, 1997-2000.  
Austin M.L.  2000.  Compiled copies of Austin's field surveys of mines and caves and evidence of usage by bats.