Bibliography and Citations

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Shelly J.S, Pinkham L.A, Thompson S., Simmonds L..  1990.  Sensitive Plant Survey Form for field work done on the Nez Perce NF, summer 1990.  
Shelley S.  1998.  Plant rarity and endangerment - definitions, approaches, and implications for conservation.  Sage Notes.  20(4):1-3.
Shelley R..  1996.  Yellowstone's first millipede.  Yellowstone Science.  4(1):10-11.
Sheley R.L.  1994.  The identification, distribution, impacts, biology and management of noxious rangeland weeds.  
Sheldon F.H, Winkler D.W.  1993.  Intergeneric phylogenetic relationships of swallows estimated by DNA-DNA hybridization.  Auk.  110:798-824.
Sheldon S..  1993.  Harlequin ducks: ducks of a variety all their own are sometimes summer visitors.  Lewiston Morning Tribune.  14 January:1C.
Sheldon J.C.  1974.  The behavior of seeds in soil: III. The influence of seed morphology and the behavior of seedlings on the establishment of plants from surface-lying seeds.  Journal of Ecology.  62(1):47-66.
Sheldon F.H, al. et.  1992.  DNA-DNA hybridization evidence of phylogenetic relationships among major lineages of PARUS.  Auk.  109:173-185.
Sheehan R.E.  2005.  Idaho National Guard letter dated December 13, 2005 to Susan Burch, Fish and Wildlife Service, Boise, Idaho. Subject: LEPA Scientific Information with Unpublished Report attached. Idaho Army Nation Guard Lepidium papilliferum Report, 2005, Idaho Army Nati.  
Shear WA.  1986.  A cladistic analysis of the opilionid superfamily Ischyropsalidoidea, with descriptions of the new family Ceratolasmatidae, the new genus Acuclavella, and four new species.  American Museum Novitates.  2844:1-29.  Available from
Shear WA.  2007.  Cave millipeds of the United States. V. The genus Idagona Buckett & Gardner (Chordeumatida, Conotylidae, Idagoninae).  Zootaxa.  1463:1-12.  Available from
Shea R.E, Drewen R.C.  1999.  Evaluation of efforts to redistribute the Rocky Mountain population of trumpeter swans: 1986-97.  
Shea R..  1994.  Trumpeter swan nesting area production for 1992 and 1993 in eastern Idaho.  
Shea R..  1994.  Maps (BLM 1:250,000) showing trumpeter swan wintering areas in eastern and southern Idaho.  
Shea R., Geise K., Drewien R., Maj M..  1999.  Trumpeter swan nest site management project: progress report 1999.  
Shea R..  1994.  Notebook with trumpeter swan survey data and maps (BLM 1:250,000) showing trumpeter swan wintering areas in eastern and southern Idaho.  
Shea R..  1996.  Trumpeter swan nesting information based on 21 June 1996 aerial survey in eastern Idaho.  
Shea RE, Nelson HK, Gillette LN, King JG, Weaver DK.  2002.  Restoration of trumpeter swans in North America: a century of progress and challenges.  Waterbirds.  25(Spec Pub 1):296-300.  Available from
Shea R..  1990.  Results of air and ground surveys for trumpeter swan nesting production, 1990.  
Shea R..  1995.  Trumpeter swan nesting information based on 17 May 1995 aerial survey in eastern Idaho.  
Shea R..  1991.  Trumpeter swan transplant data. Computer printout.  
Shaw N.L, Monsen S.B, Stevens R..  In Press.  Restoring range and wildlife habitat in the Intermountain Region.  
Shaw N.L, Monson S.B, Stevens R..  In Press.  Chapter IV-B. Composite shrubs.  
Shaw N.L, Haferkamp M.R, Hurd E.G.  0.  Spiny hopsage (Grayia spinosa [Hook.] Moq.) - a literature review.  
Shaw N, Pellant M.  2008.  Great Basin native plant selection and increase project FY07 progress report.  Great Basin native plant selection and increase project.