Bibliography and Citations

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Surland D.WS.  1978.  Common names of insects and related organisms (1978 revision).  
Sureda M., Morrison M.L..  1999.  Habitat characteristics of small mammals in southeastern Utah.  Great Basin Naturalist.  59(4):323-330.
Sunquist ME, Austad SN, Sunquist F.  1987.  Movement patterns and home range in the common opossum (Didelphis marsupialis).  Journal of Mammalogy.  68(1):173-176.
Sundell E.  1993.  Asclepiadaceae milkweed family.  Journal of the Arizona-Nevada Academy Of Science.  27(2):169-187.  Available from
Sumner L., Dixon J.S.  1953.  Mountain quail: Oreortyx picta picta (Douglas).
Summerhays J, McConnell M.  2013.  Idaho rare plant observation report forms and GIS shapefile data from BLM for Environmental Planning Group during 2013 field season.  
Summerfield B..  1985.  Memo to Paul Harrington et al. regarding a new bald eagle nest.  
Summerfield B..  1985.  Woodland caribou cumulative effects analysis model. Working draft.  
Summerfield B.  1987.  Kootenai National Forest response to the Montana Department of Highways' proposed reconstruction of 16 miles of U.S. Highway 2 between Troy and Libby, MT.  
Summerfield B..  1985.  Environmental assessment: Selkirk Mountains caribou herd augmentation.  
Summerfield B..  1985.  Selkirk Mountains caribou herd augmentation: a cooperative interagency plan. Draft.  
Sullivan R.M, Best T.L.  Submitted.  Systematics and morphologic variation in two chromosomal forms of the agile kangaroo rate (DIPODOMYS AGILIS).  Journal of Mammalogy.  78:775-797.
Sullivan B.K, Malmos K.B, Given M.F.  1996.  Systematics of the BUFO WOODHOUSII complex (Anura: Bufonidae): advertisement call variation.  Copeia.  1996:274-280.
Sullivan J..  2007.  Excel spreadsheet of museum specimens and other captures of red-tailed chipmunk.  
Sullivan JP, Nations CS.  2009.  Analysis of slickspot peppergrass (Lepidium papilliferum) population trends on Orchard Training Area and rangewide implications.    Available from
Sullivan B.K.  1989.  Mating system variation in Woodhouse's toad (Bufo woodhousii).  Ethology.  83:60-68.
Sugihara R.T.  1997.  Abundance and diets of rats in two native Hawaiian forests.  Pacific Science.  51:189-198.
Sugden E.A.  1985.  Pollinators of Astragalus monoensis Barneby (Fabaceae): new host records; potential impact of sheep grazing.  Great Basin Naturalist.  45(2):299-312.
Suding K.N, Collins S.L, Gough L., Clark C., Cleland E.E, Gross K.L, Milchunas D.G, Pennings S..  2005.  Functional and abundance-based mechanisms explain diversity loss due to N fertilization.  
Suchy W.J, Anderson S.H.  1987.  Habitat suitability index models: northern pintail.  U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Biological Report.  82(10):23pp..
Suarez AV, Case TJ.  2002.  Bottom-up effects on persistence of a specialist predator: ant invasions and horned lizards.  Ecological Applications.  12(1):291-298.
Stutz W.R, Musil D..  1989.  Boreal owl winter survey: Nez Perce and Clearwater National Forests, Idaho.  
Stumph T.  2016.  Three Creeks Subdivision - Bugleg Goldenweed (Pyrrocoma insecticruris) Plant Survey.  
Stuebner S..  1996.  The secret life of wolverines.  High Country News.  28(2):4.
Stuebner S..  1991.  Tiny snails could affect eight dams.  High Country News.  23(23):5.