Bibliography and Citations

Found 12292 results
Journal Article
Rice CG, Gay D.  2010.  Effects of mountain goat harvest on historic and contemporary populations.  Northwestern Naturalist.  91(1):40-57.  Available from
Southern W.E, Patton S.R, Southern L.K, Hanners L.A.  1985.  Effects of nine years of fox predation on two species of breeding gulls.  Auk.  102:827-833.
Matthews K.R, Pope K.L, Preisler H.K, Knapp R.A.  2001.  Effects of nonnative trout on Pacific treefrogs (Hyla regilla) in the Sierra Nevada.  Copeia.  2001:1130-1137.
Schieck J., Lertzman K., Nyberg B., Page R..  1995.  Effects of patch size on birds in old-growth montane forests.  Conservation Biology.  9:1072-1084.
Robinson S.K, Holmes R.T.  1984.  Effects of plant species and foliage structure on the foraging behavior of forest birds.  Auk.  101:672-684.
Ausband DD, G. Baty R.  2005.  Effects of precommercial thinning on snowshoe hare habitat use during winter in low-elevation montane forests.  Canadian Journal of Forest Research.  35(1):206-210.
Petersen KL, Best LB.  1987.  Effects of prescribed burning on nongame birds in a sagebrush community.  Wildlife Society Bulletin.  15(3):317-329.  Available from
Howe F.P.  1992.  Effects of Protocalliphora braueri (Diptera: Calliphoridae) parasitism and inclement weather on nestling sage thrashers.   Journal of Wildlife Disease.  28:141-143.
Fenner P., Brady W.W, Patton D.R.  1985.  Effects of regulated water flows on regeneration of Freemont cottonwood.  Journal of Range Management.  38(2):135-138.
Lesica P., Shelly J.S.  1995.  Effects of reproductive mode on demography and life history in Arabis fecunda (Brassicaceae).  American Journal of Botany.  82(6):752-762.
Steen DA, Gibbs JP.  2004.  Effects of roads on the structure of freshwater turtle populations.  Conservation Biology.  18:1143-1148.  Available from
Burns J., Quinney D., Weaver J..  1999.  The effects of sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) on exotic annual cover, including cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) - Abstract.  Journal of the Idaho Academy of Science.  35(1):8.
Wilson TL, Howe FP, Edwards, Jr. TC.  2011.  Effects of sagebrush treatments on multi-scale resource selection by pygmy rabbits.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  72(2):393-398.
Powell R.A.  1994.  Effects of scale on habitat selection and foraging behavior of fishers in winter.  Journal of Mammalogy.  75(2):349-356.
Powell R.A.  1994.  Effects of scale on habitat selection and foraging behavior of fishers in winter.  Journal of Mammalogy.  75:349-356.
Baker W.L.  1991.  Effects of settlement and fire suppression on landscape structure.  Ecology.  73(5):1879-1887.
Newmaster S.G, Bell F.W.  2002.  The effects of silvicultural disturbances on cryptogam diversity in the boreal-mixedwood forest.  Canadian Journal of Forest Resources.  32:38-51.
Bollinger E.K, Gavin T.A.  1989.  The effects of site quality on breeding-site fidelity in bobolinks.  Auk.  106:584-594.
Laundré JW, Reynolds T.D..  1993.  Effects of soil structure on burrow characteristics of five small mammal species.  Great Basin Naturalist.  53(4):358-366.
Eckert R.E, Peterson F.F, Meurisse M.S, Stephens J.L.  1986.  Effects of soil-surface morphology on emergence and survival of seedlings in Big Sagebrush communities.  Journal of Range Management.  39(5):414-420.
Reynolds T.D..  1980.  Effects of some different land management practices on small mammal populations.  Journal of Mammalogy.  61:558-561.
Reynolds TD.  1980.  Effects of some different land management practices on small mammal populations.  Journal of Mammalogy.  61(3):558-561.
Norman F., Martin C.E.  1986.  Effects of spine removal on Coryphantha vivipara in central Kansas.  American Midland Naturalist.  116(1):118-124.
Best LB, Petersen KL.  1982.  Effects of stage of the breeding cycle on sage sparrow detectability.  Auk.  99(4):788-791.  Available from
Best L.B, Petersen K.L.  1982.  Effects of state of the breeding cycle on sage sparrow detectability.  Auk.  99:788-791.