Bibliography and Citations

Found 12292 results
Journal Article
Weatherhead P.J..  1979.  Ecological correlates of monogamy in tundra-breeding Savannah Sparrows.  Auk.  96:391-401.
Fleischner TL.  1994.  Ecological costs of livestock grazing in western North America.  Conservation Biology.  8(3):629-644.  Available from
Loveless M.D, Hamrick J.L.  1984.  Ecological determinants of gentic structure in plant populations.  Annual Reviews of Ecology and Systematics.  15:65-95.
Haufler J.B.  1994.  An ecological framework for planning for forest health.  Journal of Sustainable Forestry.  3/4:307-316.
G. Minshall W, Andrews DA.  1973.  An ecological investigation of the Portneuf River, Idaho: a semiarid-land stream subjected to pollution.  Freshwater Biology.  3(1):1-30.  Available from
Hewlett R.M, Howard G.L, Pearson L.C.  1963.  Ecological life history studies in Artemisia.  Journal of Idaho Academy of Science.  4:50-58.
Rice NH, Martínez-Meyer E, A. Peterson T.  2003.  Ecological niche differentiation in the Aphelocoma jays: a phylogenetic perspective.  Biological Journal of the Linnean Society.  80(3):369–383.  Available from
Hansen R.W, Flake. L.D.  1995.  Ecological relationships between nesting Swainson's and red-tailed hawks in southeastern Idaho.  Journal of Raptor Research.  29(1):50-51.
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Schofield W.B.  1981.  Ecological significance of morphological characters in the moss gametophyte.  Bryologist.  84(2):149-165.
Hulbert LC.  1955.  Ecological studies of Bromus tectorum and other annual bromegrasses.  Ecological Monographs.  25(2):181-213.  Available from
Hoffman G.R.  1966.  Ecological studies of Funaria hygrometrica Hedw. in Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho.  Ecological Monographs.  36(2):157-180.
Fitch H.S.  1956.  An ecological study of the collared lizard (Crotaphytus collaris).  University of Kansas Publications.  8(3):213-274.
Harris S.W.  1954.  An ecological study of the waterfowl of the Potholes area, Grant County, Washington.  American Midland Naturalist.  32(2):403-432.
Avila-Flores R., Medellín R.A.  2004.  Ecological, taxonomic, and physiological correlates of cave use by Mexican bats.  Journal of Mammalogy.  85:675-687.
Allen JN.  1980.  The ecology and behavior of the long-billed curlew in southeastern Washington.  Wildlife Monographs.  73:1-67.  Available from
Mehlhop P..  1996.  Ecology and conservation needs of hydrobiid snails.  Biodiversity Network News.  9(1):6-7.
Apfelbaum S.I, Sams C.E.  1987.  Ecology and Control of Reed Canary Grass.  Natural Areas Journal.  7(2):69-74.
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Eldridge D..  2000.  Ecology and management of biological soil crusts: recent developments and future challenges.  Bryologist.  103(4):742-747.
Strong D.L.  1987.  Ecology in the broad sense with conservation efforts for the spotted owl.  Ecology.  68(4):765-779.
Arno S.F, Habeck. J.R.  1972.  Ecology of alpine larch (Larix lyallii Parl.) in the Pacific Northwest.  Ecological Monographs.  42:417-450.
Evans G.R.  1967.  Ecology of Aristida longiseta in northcentral Idaho.  :69pp.
Daubenmire R.F.  1975.  Ecology of Artemisia tridentata ssp. tridentata in the state of Washington.  Northwest Science.  49:24-35.
Swenson J.E, Alt K.L, Eng R.L.  1986.  Ecology of bald eagles in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.  Wildlife Monographs.  95:1-46.