Bibliography and Citations

Found 11964 results
Caicco S.L.  1985.  Field map, Eagle Quadrangle, spring 1985.  
Caicco S.L, Stevens M.L.  1985.  Site survey summary for Oxford Slough, Franklin Co., Idaho.  
Caicco S.L.  1985.  Special Plant Survey for Merriam Lake Basin on August 21, 1985: Saxifraga adscendens oregonensis and Gentiana propinqua.  
Caicco S.L.  1987.  Special plant survey form for Chapman Creek vicinity (White Bird Hill quad): Calochortus nitidus.  
Caicco S.L.  1989.  Second-year results of an investigation into the life history and population dynamics of Calochortus nitidus Dougl. (Liliaceae).  
Caicco S.L.  1987.  Special plant survey forms for Sweetwater Creek vicinity (Waha quad.): Calochortus nitidus.  
Caicco S.L.  1987.  Special plant survey forms for Threemile Creek area (Grangeville East quad.): Calochortus nitidus.  
Caicco S.L.  1988.  Special plant survey forms for Carex buxbaumii, Carex flava, Hypericum majus, and Trientalis arctica in northern Idaho.  
Caicco S.L.  1988.  Status report for Draba trichocarpa.  
Caicco S.L.  1985.  Special Plant for Survey Huff Creek Meadow site 9 miles East of Carey on June 15, 1985: Antennaria arcuata.  
Caicco S.L.  1988.  Status report for Thelypodium repandum.  
Caicco S.L, Henderson D.M.  1981.  A survey of the rare plants of the Challis National Forest Lost River District - west side, with recommendations and management implications.  
Caicco S.L, Wellner C.A.  1983.  Research Natural Area recommendation for Malm Gulch, Bureau of Land Management, Salmon District, Idaho.  
Caicco S.L.  1987.  Field investigations of selected sensitive plant species on the Idaho Panhandle National Forest.  
Caicco S.L.  0.  Boise North quadrangle map showing Allium aaseae and Astragalus mulfordiae sites.  
Caicco S.L.  1985.  Field map, Boise South Quadrangle, spring 1985.  
Caicco S.L.  1987.  Special plant survey for Cold Springs Gulch (Moughmer Point quad): Calochortus nitidus.  
Cain S.A.  1968.  Natural area preservation: national urgency.  Bioscience.  18(5):399-401.
Cairns M.A, Lackey R.T.  1992.  Biodiversity and management of natural resources: the issues.  Fisheries.  17(3):41070.
Calder W.A., Jones E.J..  1989.  Implications of recapture data for migration of the rufous hummingbird (SELASPHORUS RUFUS) in the Rocky Mountains.  Auk.  106:488-489.
Caldwell Public Library.  0.  Caldwell Public Library, Directory of Idaho Foundations.  Caldwell Public Library. No date. Directory of Idaho Foundations..  
California Academy of Sciences.  2010.  Mollusca specimen data - Idaho specimens.  
California Academy of Sciences.  Submitted.  No description.  California Academy of Sciences..  
California Academy of Sciences.  2009.  Mammal specimen data - Idaho specimens.  
California Academy of Sciences.  2005.  Email message containing the specimen label data from two specimens of Glacicavicola bathyscioides collected in Lincoln County.