Bibliography and Citations

Found 11964 results
Anderegg DE.  Submitted.  Professional background information.  Anderegg, Doyle E..  
Andersen JJ, Portnoy DS, Hafner JC, Light JE.  2013.  Populations at risk: conservation genetics of kangaroo mice (Microdipodops) of the Great Basin Desert.  Ecology and Evolution.  3(8):2497-2513.
Anderson L.C.  1986.  Sympatric subspecies in Chrysothamnus nauseosus.  
Anderson D.  Submitted.  Professional Background Information.  Anderson, Don.  
Anderson H.E.  1968.  Sundance Fire: an analysis of fire phenomena.  
Anderson R.C.  1992.  Observations on the occurrence of the Idaho Sand Dunes Tiger Beetle, Cicindela arenicola Rumpp.,in and around Bruneau Dunes State Park on April 28, 1992.  
Anderson J..  1997.  Long-term vegetation dynamics at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory.  
Anderson R.  Submitted.  Professional Background Information.  Anderson, Robert.  
Anderson R.A.  1971.  Variability in Wisconsin in Trientalis borealis Raf.  Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Science Arts and Letters.  59:121-125.
Anderson S..  1993.  Livestock management effects on wildlife, fisheries and riparian areas - a selected literature review.  
Anderson L.E.  1951.  The mosses of North Carolina VI. Encalyptaceae to Pottiaceae.  Bryologist.  54:145-161.
Anderson C.R, Lindzey F.G, McDonald D.B.  2004.  Genetic structure of cougar populations across the Wyoming Basin: metapopulation or megapopulation.  Journal of Mammalogy.  85:1207-1214.
Anderson J.E.  1983.  Impacts of black-tailed rabbits on sagebrush steppe vegetation.
Anderson L.D.  1991.  Bluebunch wheatgrass defoliation effects and recovery - a review.  
Anderson M.G, Ferree C.E.  2010.  Conserving the stage: climate change and the geophysical underpinnings of species diversity.  Plos ONE.  5(7):e11554.
Anderson S.T.  1994.  Grizzly bear enforcement and education project, Selkirk and Cabinet-Yaak ecosystems.  
Anderson JE, Holte KE.  1981.  Vegetation development over 25 years without grazing on sagebrush-dominated rangeland in southeastern Idaho.  Journal of Range Management.  34(1):25-29.  Available from
Anderson L.C.  1986.  An overview of the genus Chrysothamnus (Asteraceae).  
Anderson R.C, Shafer D.S.  1991.  Holocene biogeography of spruce-fir forests in southeastern Arizona - implications for the endangered Mt. Graham red squirrel.  Madrono.  38(4):287-295.
Anderson E..  1936.  The species problem in Iris.  Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden.  23:457-469.
Anderson J.E, Ruppel K.T, Rope J.M.  1996.  Plant communities, ethnoecology, and flora of the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory.  
Anderson BW, Laymon SA.  1989.  Creating habitat for the yellow-billed cuckoo (Coccyzus americana). General Technical Report PSW-110.  Davis (CA): U. S. Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station.   p. 468-472.  Available from
Anderson R.C, Beare. M.H.  1983.  Breeding system and pollination ecology of Trientalis borealis (Primulaceae).  American Journal of Botany.  70(3):408-415.
Anderson R.C, Henderson D.M.  1978.  A survey of rare plants: Little Lost-Birch Creek planning unit.  
Anderson E.W.  1966.  Society Business: natural areas.  Journal of Range Management.  19:239-242.