Bibliography and Citations

Found 11964 results
Diaz S, Harris S, Kaye T.  2022.  Astragalus mulfordiae (Mulford’s milkvetch): modeling population growth rates and the effects of climate.  
Dibble A.C, Campbell C.S, Tyler, Jr. H.R, B. Vickery S.J.  1989.  Maine's official list of endangered and threatened plants.  Rhodora.  91(867):244-269.
Dickerman R.W.  1991.  On the validity of BUBO VIRGINIANUS OCCIDENTALIS Stone.  Auk.  108:964-965.
Dickerman R.W.  1990.  Geographic variation in the juvenal plumage of the common nighthawk (CHORDEILES MINOR) in North America.  Auk.  107:610-613.
Dickinson R.G.  Submitted.  Spreadsheets containing observation records of tailed frog and Idaho giant salamander.  
Dieffenbach T..  1977.  Plant survey of the Caribou Mountain area.  
Diem K.L, Pugesek B.H.  1966.  American white pelicans at the Molly Islands, in Yellowstone National Park: twenty-two years of boom-and-bust breeding, 1966-87.  Colonial Waterbirds.  17(2):130-145.
Diersing V.E.  1980.  Systematics and evolution of the pygmy shrews (Subgenus Microsorex) of North America.  Journal of Mammalogy.  618:76-101.
Dietz D.R, Wasser C.H, Ditterner P.L.  1992.  Maximilian sunflower (Helianthus maximiliani): Section 7.4.3, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wildlife Resources Management Manual.  
Diller L..  1985.  Letter and field survey forms sent to Craig Groves, Idaho Natural Heritage Program, detailing 3 new populations of Plethodon vandykei in Idaho.  
Diller L., Johnson D.R.  1982.  Ecology of reptiles in the Snake River Birds of Prey Area, Final Report.  
Diller L., Wallace R..  1985.  Report on a survey of the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness for the Coeur d'Alene salamander, Plethodon vandykei.  
Diller LV, Johnson DR.  1988.  Food habits, consumption rates, and predation rates of western rattlesnakes and gopher snakes in southwestern Idaho.  Herptetologica.  44(2):228-233.  Available from
Diller LV, Wallace RL.  1986.  Aspects of the life history and ecology of the desert night snake, Hypsiglena torquata deserticola: Colubridae, in southwestern Idaho.  Southwestern Naturalist.  31(1):55-64.
Diller L..  1985.  Personal correspondence to Craig Groves, Idaho Natural Heritage Program, listing his miscellaneous captures of night, ground and longnose snakes in Idaho.  
Diller LV, Wallace RL.  1981.  Additional distribution records and abundance of three species of snakes in southwestern Idaho.  Great Basin Naturalist.  41(1):154-157.  Available from
Diller LV, Wallace RL.  1984.  Reproductive biology of the northern Pacific rattlesnake (Crotalus viridus oreganus) in northern Idaho.  Herpetologica.  40(2):182-193.  Available from
Diller L..  1985.  Personal correspondence to Craig Groves, Idaho Natural Heritage Program, noting drift fence captures of night, ground and longnose snakes within Idaho.  
Diller L.  Submitted.  No description.  Diller, Lowell.  
Diller L.V.  1981.  Comparative ecology of Great Basin rattlesnakes (Crotalus viridis lutosus) and Great Basin gopher snakes (Pituophis melanoleucus deserticola) and their impact on small mammal populations in the Snake River Birds of Prey Natural Area.  :89pp..
Dillon, Jr. RT, Herman JJ.  2009.  Genetics, shell morphology, and life history of the freshwater pulmonate limpets Ferrissia rivularis and Ferrissia fragilis.  Journal of Freshwater Ecology.  24(2):261-271.  Available from
Dimmick R.W.  1992.  Northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus): Section 4.1.3, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Wildlife Resources Management Manual.  
Dimmick W.W, Fiorino K.L, Burr B.M.  1996.  Reevaluation of the LYTHRURUS ARDENS (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae) complex with recognition of three evolutionary species.  Copeia.  1996:813-823.
DiNicola A.  2013.  Introduction and Instructions to the INPS-RPWG Forums.  
Dinsmore SJ, White GC, Knopf FL.  2002.  Advanced techniques for modeling avian nest survival.  Ecology.  83(12):3476–3488.  Available from[3476:ATFMAN]2.0.CO;2